AT Series by 5.11 Tactical

December 7th, 1941, A Date Which Will Live In Infamy

With those words, President Franklin Roosevelt told America, and the world, that we had entered the war.

Today is the anniversary of the surprise Japanese attack on the US fleet at Pearl Harbor. Sadly, we no longer even hold ceremonies commemorating that day.

We have raised generation after generation who take what we have for granted and vilify the sacrifices of our forebearers. They make us out to be the bad guys.

Every year there are fewer and fewer of out greatest generation among us. Let us always honor their sacrifices to keep America, and the world, free.

I’d also like to take a moment of silence for the 2402 Americans who were lost on that day, along with the hundreds more, who were wounded during the attack. We are forever in your debt.

5 Responses to “December 7th, 1941, A Date Which Will Live In Infamy”

  1. Amer-Rican says:

    Never forget the heroes killed or wounded at Pearl Harbor.

    • lcpl0420 says:

      Hear hear. If you go there you can see that the oil from the wrecks is still in the water. It remind us that their loss, and the subsequent heroism that was asked of ordinary men and women, was not too long ago.

    • jjj0309 says:


  2. Luke says:

    Does anyone know if USARMY Garrison Japan and other branches stationed have DONSA on the 7th each year?

  3. Papa6 says:

    My little town still puts up flags on Main St and other streets on 7 December.