SureFire XC3

Colored Magazine Multi-Packs from Lancer Systems

Lancer Systems is releasing two limited edition mag multi packs on December 12th.

You can choose from 3 mag Sniper Grey, Dark Red, Yote Brown pack or the 4 mag Robin’s Egg Blue, Magenta, Pink, Deep Purple pack.

9 Responses to “Colored Magazine Multi-Packs from Lancer Systems”

  1. John says:

    It‘s 2020 the proper term would be magazines of color.

  2. Robert says:

    Where do you get off assuming these even identify as magazines?

  3. Jeff S says:

    I’m not gonna lie… The Deep Purple mag is pretty awesome. LOL

    • Ed says:

      Lol! It reminds me of a toy color from the 80’s, good times!

      • Jack Griffin says:

        I keep seeing the purple ones with the sub-30 crowd. Kids on The Reddit refer to it as the “Thanos Mag” for some reason.

        • MS_TB says:

          Well, I guess this will likely create legislation that will require Toy Guns to look like Real Guns again like when we were kids just so they can differentiate them in a tactical emergency situation just to keep everyone safe and sound.

          • Ed says:

            I love it! I had those electronic/water guns in the mid-80’s too! They didn’t last too long, a few if not the next year the “guns” were all wild neon colors and the like. Reminds of that NYC dictaster- bloomturd, he banned that one ceracote Co. from painting real guns unusual colors or patterns! Gotta love trolling stupid!


        • mike says:

          Though the 30-45 crowd correctly knows them as “Energon mags”

          Now if only I could get an Energon mag for my P38!

    • Payce says:

      I use those in my .300 BLK guns, to differentiate color and texture from my metal 5.56 mags. Plus it makes dorks lose it for some reason, so that’s entertaining.