SureFire XC3

IKEA FÄLTMAL – The Pillow That Becomes A Wearable Quilt

It’s a rare occasion to see IKEA featured on SSD, but this item made the cut. The FÄLTMAL is a pillow that unzips to become a wearable quilt, complete with arms which buttons in the back.

Its made from a nylon outer, insulated with polyester batting. It’s even colored Deep Green.

11 Responses to “IKEA FÄLTMAL – The Pillow That Becomes A Wearable Quilt”

  1. LowSpeed says:

    /s This is too expensive, not Berry compliant, not flame resistant, and not Multicam! WTF! /s

  2. thebronze301 says:

    IKEA is a POS. They never have items in-stock in their store and they don’t have it available for delivery. FIKEA.

    • Tome says:

      I’ve found their online inventory to be pretty accurate to what’s in store in the past- more so than most other big box stores. They’ve definitely seen some interruptions to their supply chain this year though.

    • Pascal says:

      I have one of these – In the store they’re in pillow configuration, and you’d never know what they were if you didn’t already know what to look for. To make matters worse, in my local store they were in a corner bin. It’s a one size type item – I’m 6′ and 200 lb athletic build, and it’s snug on the arms. that said, it’s meant like a hospital gown type garment. It would be a pretty neat overquilt for a hammock, and it’s great if you work in a cold office as you can wear it and use a computer no problem, and it comes right off for when you need to get up. Anyway it’s like 30 bucks and totally worth it.

  3. Big Red One - Ramadi says:

    This is like a blend between Woobie Official and the official blanket with sleeves (as seen on tv) Snuggie. Probably makes more sense to have this ham just a pillow if you pack a pillow. Dual purpose is more sensible.

  4. James says:

    We might all be sitting around a tealight heater in our f?ltmal by next winter at this rate! I predict it as a “must have” for for 2022! Maybe they’ll come out with one that looks more like the Navigator dress from Lynch’s Dune for 2023.

    All joking aside, I bookmarked it….

  5. MiamiC70 says:

    I’d rather freeze.

  6. Joe says:

    I have a feeling that if this was made in some boutique shop for $300 by some retired combat Ninja instead of IKEA, SSD would be saying it’s just the price of quality.

    • SSD says:

      I actually wrote about it just to piss you off. This was made by slaves in China, but so many of you complain about the cost of employing Americans, I have to throw you a bone every once in awhile.

  7. Jon says:

    My mom used to make these for us as kids, they were called “quillows”. They weren’t fancy like this but sure do miss mine in old 6 color desert BDU.