RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Interested In Doing Business With USSOCOM? Try Engage SOF

This week the United States Special Operations Command launched Engage SOF (eSOF) a new one-stop-shop for companies interested in doing business with the command.

This new effort replaces SOCOM’s Technology & Industry Liaison Office (TILO) which many of you may know. But with developing eSOF, the Command took a look at how they’ve been engaging industry partners during the COVID-19 pandemic and created a website that allows companies to submit ideas that may be of interest and provide regular feedback throughout the process to determine if it’s something they can use and which procurement program is the right one for the idea. Submissions can be accomplished in as little as 10 minutes and a decision is expected on how SOCOM wants to proceed in 30-45 days.

The Command also states that intellectual property will be protected throughout the process. This is particularly of concern to companies who are just starting to do business with the military.

Visit www.socom.mil/SOF-ATL/Pages/eSOF-main to get started.

One Response to “Interested In Doing Business With USSOCOM? Try Engage SOF”

  1. David Hall says:

    eSOF Team,
    I am the Navy and SOCOM Business Development Manager for Trijicon.
    Please approve access to the site and include me on the distro list.
    David Hall