
HSP x BPRE Micro Chest Rig and Flatpack in MCB

In conjunction with Black Powder Red Earth, Haley Stategic Partners has released a run if their D3CRM Micro Chest Rig and FlatPack 2.0 in MultiCam Black.

The Disruptive Environments Chest Rig Micro accepts multi-mission inserts (triple 5.56mm insert, 7.62mm insert and Quad SMG/PCC (Sub Machine Gun/Pistol Caliber Carbine) insert) to quickly adapt between missions.

The FlatPack 2.0 is an assault pack that can transition from an almost flat profile when compressed up to 600 cubic inches when completely expanded utilzing a unique expandable gusset system. It can be combined with chest rig to create a full system.

BPRE patches not included. Get them at

4 Responses to “HSP x BPRE Micro Chest Rig and Flatpack in MCB”

  1. Mehmaster says:

    Is it just me or does it look like they Photoshoped a KIA bracelet on the model?

    • James says:

      Does look a little weird on the distal side. May have been shopped in, but they might have felt weird about having him actually wear a real one.

    • TRAVIS HALEY says:

      It’s all real.

  2. Seth B says:

    That’s me in the photo, the bracelet is real. It’s just the lighting and the finish on the bracelet is very worn.