
Happy Independence Day!

Nothing memorializes American independence in the national zeitgeist better than this painting by artist John Trumbull.

Although the war for independence from Great Britain had begun in April of 1775, it took over a year for the politicians to catch up and ratify a unified statement all of the colonies could get behind.

On this Independence Day think about those Americans who fought the good fight, in spite of a lack of conviction by many. Their actions honor us as a nation.

5 Responses to “Happy Independence Day!”

  1. Bill says:

    God Bless America. Try not to loose too many fingers this weekend.

  2. Reader says:

    Happy Traitors Day!!!

  3. Amer-Rican says:

    To all my fellow Americans (excludes progressives)- God Bless our Constitutional Republic on this 245th Independence Day, and stay vigilant against our internal enemies!

    • WarBro says:

      Right back at you Bro-Patriot! Feeling America As Fuck today!!!

      God, Guns and Good Times! Hoo-Ya!

  4. Rodney Ledbetter says:

    Liberty or Death!