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Coffee or Die Magazine

Coffee or Die has made the jump to print. For years now they’ve done a fantastic job of providing coverage of military and first responders as well as some fantastic SOF history articles online.

Get your copy at www.blackriflecoffee.com/products/coffee-or-die-magazine-summer-2021.

14 Responses to “Coffee or Die Magazine”

  1. SorrynotSorry says:

    Nope. After Hafer’s comments about conservatives and his anti-Catholic rhetoric (really? St. Michael is a white supremicist symbol?) Black Rifle isn’t get a single dime from me again. He has bought into the crap the left is spewing.

    • SSD says:

      Those damned racists screw up a lot of stuff. They love to pretend they are Norse, co-opting Runes and other Norse symbols. But they’ve been doing that for almost a century. As a man of Norwegian (along with other ethnicities) extraction, this really pisses me off.

      As of late, they’ve taken to adopting things like my beloved Columbia in various versions.


      I had considered getting a tattoo of this national symbol until locally some racists handed out literature with a version of her.

      The concern of being misaligned with those who don’t share your values is real.

  2. BiblicalViolence says:

    I wonder if the editor will include Hafer’s 14/15th July NYT interview in the first publication.

  3. Christopher Stadolnik says:

    BRCC is about to learn some hard lessons about playing around in magazines. That NYT Mag interview isn’t going to age well.

    BRCC should have stock to roasting coffee instead of roasting their customers.

    The marketplace is full of alternatives and growing every day.

    • Christopher Stadolnik says:

      Thank you for letting my previous comment fly; the forever typo in it is punishment enough. Haha.

  4. TJ says:

    I am so disappointed with Evan and this company. I have people there that were my teammates and I read he supports racist marxist ideology. I have no support anymore for a guy who claims to be a patriot and then openly supports communists, racists, and destructive hate fulled organizations with blood and murder on their hands. Nope, I will never get behind him again and I am ashamed to have been a friend. I do not know what happened to him or my other teammates there but this is not an American supportive company. Should be called Red Rifle Coffee.

    • WarBro says:

      TJ, I never saw the nyt article, it’s a pay to read. Why did Kyle Rittenhouse come up in this and what is their reason to mention it? First time I’m hearing about this. Comments are pretty intense on the gateway pundit article you linked!

      • SSD says:

        It has been building steam over the past few days. I’d like to see BRCC respond to the current Internet mob.

        TGP is a great place to participate in the social media wars. Just remember what they stand to gain. They are a media company. They love it when people are all worked up. TGP makes money every time you refresh those comments.

        • Strike-Hold says:

          In an environment where “engagement” equals success, outrage is the new business model of the social media age.

          Before you join in with the culture wars, just remember that YOU are both the product, the consumer, and the means of production.

    • SSD says:

      I don’t like racists either and they’ve been showing up here lately, attempting to spread their message of divisiveness and hate. Would you like people to associate you with racists and allow them to drive away normal people?

      There are a lot of folks working really hard to replay the Weimar Republic and herd the majority into either communist or fascist camps. They are both ultimately totalitarians. Either way we lose.

      I understand his concern as a business owner of not allowing customers to define his business. It’s Evan’s business and he can do what he wants, and he has, repeatedly. The difference between me and Evan is that I’m not going to label the Proud Boys as racists because I’m not seeing whatever it is that he is about that group. I’ll take each man on the content of his character. But as far as racists go, I don’t need them around, regardless of skin color.

  5. Chris says:

    And, he put his money where his mouth is; he donated to Biden’s campaign. I used to be a loyal customer, never buying from them again.