SIG SAUER - Never Settle

Fidlock HERMETIC Sew-In Pockets

In addition to their left- and right-sided versions of Fidlock’s HERMETIC sew-in pockets, they also offer rectangular sew-in pockets, which are ideal for jackets or bags.

The magnetic bar is fixed in place and will remain visible on your product.
+ add-on with a unique look for your overall design
+ no unwanted fabric pockets in front or behind the HERMETIC pocket
+ 100% water- and sandproof
+ self-sealing

7 Responses to “Fidlock HERMETIC Sew-In Pockets”

  1. Troy Waters says:

    Pretty cool idea…the square pocket seems like a perfect fit to sew into the cargo pocket on trunks or BDU’s…

  2. JW says:

    Would these get exemption / be berry compliant?

    • Kyle O says:

      Hey JW,

      As these are manufactured overseas they would not be Berry compliant but could find exemptions through the simplified acquisition threshold or commercially available off the shelf clause.

  3. Joe R. says:

    Seems like a great product.

    They always seem to come up with the voodoo, unobtanium, alchemy stuff after you leave the military.

  4. GANDIS says:

    Okay this would be awesome seen into a BDU pocket. I cant tell you how many times I have been stuck out in the field with it starting to rain wishing I could stash my phone somewhere safe. I wonder if this can be washed in a washing machine and dryer?

    • Kyle O says:

      Hey GANDIS,

      The recommendation would be to hand wash and hang dry. You could wash on cold / warm in the machine but the magnets are going to stick to the side of the metal basin and likely not give you great wash results. The dryer poses similar issues as well as potentially damaging the magnets polarity if dried on high heat.

  5. Luke says:

    Great pants for trips to the buffet lines. I’d personally fill mine with jalapeño cheese spread and another with crackers for a pick-me anytime before and after mission.