SureFire XC3

Vigilant Security Services – Foreign Weapons Training

Vigilant Security Services has reinvigorated their foreign weapons training, but now in Las Vegas.

They offer Non-Standard Weapon Familiarization, Armorer training and custom courses.

Students will also receive a complete set of 11 Non-Standard Weapon Manuals which cover weapon specifications & variations, operation, disassembly & assembly, firing procedures and misfire & malfunction drills.cover weapon specifications & variations, operation, disassembly & assembly, firing procedures and misfire & malfunction drills.


4 Responses to “Vigilant Security Services – Foreign Weapons Training”

  1. LooseRounds says:

    NO one needs this anymore since all foreign weapons are now abandoned US weapons, lol

    • Iggy says:

      Worrying good point. Though until a 12 year old can make an M4 with handtools the AK still rules till they catch up. Give a year or so, probably less as the schools start to close.

    • Yawnz says:

      Yeah, they got their hands on 40 year-old weapons with no spare parts or ways to maintain them.

  2. WarBro says:

    Maybe this is the opportunity to start a NATO weapons training company since we “left” all that shit behind? I’ll call up Hunter and see if he wants to be partners, him and the “big guy”! What could go wrong???