
12 Labors Conference – Refining the Modern Male


Friday to Sunday, December 3-5, 2021

Due to the accumulation of unexpected challenges that arose in 2020, we pushed the conference back to 2021. The vision, general format, instructor lineup, and location remain the same. There will be several concurrent tracks of instructional blocks scheduled throughout each day and evening events after hours.


The Range Austin
8301 South IH-35 Frontage Rd
Austin, TX 78744

Austin Marriott South
4415 South IH-35 Frontage Rd
Austin, TX 78744

Conference events will take place at the range and at the Marriott. Attendees who need lodging are strongly encouraged to book their stay at the Marriott and take advantage of the 12 Labors group rate. We will be posting the direct reservation link several months before the event. The hotel is only seven minutes north of the range.


This conference is designed for gentlemen who work hard to safeguard their own lives and work even harder to make their lives worth safeguarding. We are planning tailored clinics on handgun, long gun, edged weapon, and empty-hand skills; but we’ll also offer sessions on men’s fashion, financial health, mixology and fine cuisine, nutrition and fitness, and more.


The instructor list is still being finalized. We do have several tentative commitments from the trainers listed below. We hope to confirm these partnerships and add a few more very soon. Please stay tuned for updates as we publish our complete website with finalized faculty rosters, biographies, and course descriptions.

Simon Golob
Gabe White
Chuck Haggard
Paul Sharp
Ernest Langdon
Mike Pannone
Tom Givens
Chris Fry
Larry Lindenman
Cecil Burch
Scott Oates
Darryl Bolke
Robb Wolff
John Welbourn
Tim Kennedy
Craig Douglas
Jeff Gonzales


Early bird pricing is $799 {through August 31, 2021)

General Admission: $899 (through September 30, 2021)

Late Registration: $999 (October 1, 2021 or later)

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