GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

CobraSleepers Pre-Order from The Brown Buffalo

The Brown Buffalo has opened pre-orders for their CobraSleepers which are slippers made from X50 Multicam Tropic or Black with non-slip outsole bottom.

Shipping in a couple weeks.

Made in their workshop located in Costa Mesa, CA.


5 Responses to “CobraSleepers Pre-Order from The Brown Buffalo”

  1. MiamiC70 says:

    $80 for “tactical” slippers? GTFOH!

    • Tyson White says:

      Made by hand in USA, Cordura® fabric with Multicam® Camo

    • Sommerbiwak says:

      Yep. Write tactical on it and raise the orice. Well everyone can vote with hteir wallets and not buy these.

      Compared to my cheap slippers for 99 cents from Ikea and other places that last two years until worn out these would have to last a very very long time to justify the price tag.

  2. Frank says:

    Super cool! I ordered a pair.

    To the above, I’m not going to say stop being poor, but please shut up about it!!

    Different strokes….