SureFire XC3

Infamy – An Indelible Mark In History

In·fa·my (noun)

1 the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed.

Infamy is a word forever tied in my mind with the date of December 7th, 1941. Born in the late 60s, I grew up in a culture that spoke about the attack on Pearl Harbor and with a grandfather who fought in the Pacific theater. His generation remembered what had happened and the cost of that war and they weren’t afraid to acknowledge it.

While time has healed many wounds and forged new alliances, I will not forget what that day, 80 years ago means to my nation. It is a mark in time that will forever be etched in history.

Please join me in honoring the 2402 Americans who were lost on that day, along with the hundreds more, who were wounded during the attack. They suffered the opening salvo of a war that would engulf nations around the globe in conflict.

4 Responses to “Infamy – An Indelible Mark In History”

  1. Roland1911 says:

    One thing I love about this site.
    Historic events are always remembered and posted to remind us.

    D-Day, Operation Gothic Serpent, 9/11, etc.

    Thank you for remembering.

  2. Sapperldr35 says:

    Here, Here. I to associate that word with this day. What also makes the date significant is that it was the start of the awakening of America as a world power commercially and militarily.

  3. jjj0309 says:

    Never forget. We owe tremendous dept to the greatest generation. May their sacrifices, their blood, sweat and tears forever remembered in our hearts; it’s the least but at the same time best thing we could do.
    I will never forget the day of infamy until the day I die. Despite the rampant ingratitude and the current political climate slowly steer public into obliviscence of what happened 80 years ago, I will never forget.
    May December 7th, 1941 to be forever etched in history.

  4. Greatest Generation says:

    I think about those men and women a lot these days. I think about how they would feel about how far we have fallen from that, the greatest generation. I am eternally grateful for their unmeasurable sacrifices that have allowed us to live such wonderful lives in the greatest nation in the world. I hope that we stop our slide from that pinnacle and regain what we have lost as a nation. For I fear greatly for our future should we continue on the feckless path we are on.