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Bridging Technology at 2021 Army Expeditionary Warfare Experiment

Soldiers from A Company, 1-29 Infantry (the EXFOR) tested GS Engineering’s Bridge Launch Technology. The system is designed to provide a gap crossing capability for light units equipped with vehicles like the Infantry Squad Vehicle.

6 Responses to “Bridging Technology at 2021 Army Expeditionary Warfare Experiment”

  1. Richard Schagen says:

    The should make it telescoping, could add another of couple of meters

    • Bummer says:

      I was thinking the same thing. It looks like it only spans about 2 meters at most. I suppose if it had drop down supports you could put 2 together

  2. Ray Forest says:

    Definitely seems like a lot of effort for limited reward. I’m trying to envision an obstacle that is that narrow, yet too difficult for the vehicle to cross it. Unless the vehicle is less capable than I envisioned, I’m having trouble. Maybe man made obstacles or concrete type drainages might be too deep yet that narrow. I’d think some version of Maxxtrax or the metal version would be considerably easier to deploy and faster than that (without a dedicated vehicle) yet still capable for short distance bridging a well as traction. Marston mats for that matter might be viable.

    • thomas says:

      We have something we’ve been using for years to do just this. email me if your interested. thomas@blacksidesolutions.com

    • AbnMedOps says:

      Perhaps more extendible length, so it can be used to go over a seawall or Jersey Barriers, or similar…and also serve an “admin” function as a loading ramp onto a flatbed or railcar?

  3. Bryan M says:

    Depending on the weight capacity, could just be used for other light vehicles to keep moving.