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Defense Logistics Agency Designated DOD’s Printing Services Provider


The Defense Logistics Agency is now the Defense Department’s primary provider of printing services, office print devices and electronic conversion services according to a DOD instruction signed by the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment.

All DOD components except DOD intelligence agencies, National Guard and Reserve organizations, tactical activities, and the U.S. Army Print and Media Distribution Center must now purchase such services through DLA Document Services. The change is expected to save tens of millions of dollars each year.

DLA Document Services offers numerous printing services ranging from brochures and training manuals to banners and aircraft decals. Custom and specialty options like vinyl, foam board and magnets are available, and the team can also produce large-scale items like museum displays.

“We can assist customers throughout every step of their project from planning to production,” said Nick Janik, DLA Document Services director of production operations. “Our print production employees work hard to make the customer’s vision a reality while being as efficient and timely as possible.”

DOD customers turning paper documents into electronic format can use scanning and conversion services available at DLA print facilities or with help of on-site technicians who can convert documents of all sizes. Digital conversion preserves documents and makes them searchable. Shredding services are available too.

The updated instruction also charges DLA Document Services with the procurement, delivery and sustainment of office devices including office, desktop and stand-alone printers as well as copiers, fax machines, scanners and multi-function devices – the latter of which is the main focus of the office device program. The process of procuring office devices includes an assessment of customer needs and existing equipment to ensure new devices are streamlined and compatible.

“Our office assessments help to eliminate unnecessary equipment and shift customers from a single-function or stand-alone environment to a business model of shared resources with MFDs,” said Terra Nguyen, division director for DLA’s office device program.

More information and help placing orders is available through local customer relations specialists or the DLA Document Services Customer Support Center at 866-736-7010 or

Defense Logistics Agency Information Operations

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