
North Shore Sports Club Coil Accelerator

The future is here with the Coil Accelerator from North Shore Sports Club which like a rail gun uses an electrically produced magnetic charge to propel a metal disc toward the target rather than using traditional chemical propellants.

The disc is 275 grain and the magazine will hold 50. Projectile velocity is selectable at 80, 115, or 145 fps with an energy of between 3 and 16 joules. This gives you a maximum range of 40 feet but North Shore Sports Club says you’ll get between 20 and 30 feet of effective range. Since this is battery powered, you’ll get about 500 shots per charge and it takes about an hour to recharge the battery.

Interestingly, the coil accelerator offers semi-automatic fire as well as 5-disc burst and full-auto. Pretty impressive from something coming out of Illinois. Way to think outside the box. Plus, there’s no recoil or smoke or flash signature.

These have been around awhile but since there’s a big push to go electric, it’s worth a look if you’re interested in tinkering.

9 Responses to “North Shore Sports Club Coil Accelerator”

  1. Ken M says:

    Hmmmm, is it technically a firearm? It’s soooooo quiet………..and full auto…..Daddy likey!!!!

    • SSD says:

      Because of the low velocity, it’s not considered a gun in most jurisdictions.

      • jbgleason says:

        For federal purposes, the lack of an “explosive” is going to determine its status.

        “Expels a projective by the action of an explosive…” is the classic statutory definition in federal law.

        Of course, in the modern era of the Executive Order, statutory language is becoming less and less important as our overseers determine how items make them feel and legislate with a signature.

        • Joe R. says:

          ATF&E rules do not yet have a determinate “giggle-factor” for banning certain – ahem – ‘items’.

          Cause this would definitely fall under that, and that’s even without the fruit damage.

  2. Scott Evans says:

    That’s cool … 🙂 How do I buy one?

    I can’t wait to see the evolution of this concept.
    What is needed to get velocity up and a transition to a cylindrical projectile?

  3. Hut says:

    In case you were wondering: The muzzle energy (velocity x velocity x proj. weight / 450,240) at highest power = 12.8 ft/lbs. This is just under 1/6th the muzzle energy of a .22 Short (87 ft/lbs) Another comparison, an Air rifle .177 pellet at 1057 fps = 17.21 foot-pounds of energy.

  4. CommsTech says:

    I would imagine that there is already a mod to increase the supply voltage and therefore the velocity.

  5. Raul says:

    Hmm looks amendable to 3dp, add a little juice on that muzzle velocity and ya got something. Buy now, dial it up later? Am I wrong?