GORE-TEX Defense Fabrics’ All Weather Integrated Clothing System

AUSA 22 – Camelbak Arctic Canteen Parka

Developed for use with the Ability One produced one quart arctic canteen and canteen cup, the new Arctic Canteen Parka from Camelbak is an issue item. It is MOLLE compatible and will keep water in liquid form for up to 10 hours in temperatures down to -60 F. Although not the intended use, it will also keep water cool for up to four hours in temperatures up to 95 F.

20 Responses to “AUSA 22 – Camelbak Arctic Canteen Parka”

  1. Matt5454 says:

    Dear Soldier Systems,
    I want to order this but can’t find a way to put it in my cart on your site . . .
    Seriously, wide mouth canteen! Publicly shown!!

  2. Insane Soldier says:

    I want that canteen!!!!!!! Where do I get one??

  3. Stephen Vogel says:

    that wide mouth canteen is talking loud, but I hope this comes in venerable MultiCam!

  4. James says:

    Flip the pouch upside down (make it look like an e-tool pouch)- water always freezes at the airgap on top first, flipping the bottle keeps the cap clear longer… Or even make it rectangular increasing the insulation around the cap.

  5. Terry Baldwin says:

    Finally! Can’t say that I have a pressing need for the parka. However, a wide mouth standard sized canteen has been something many folks – myself included – have been wanting for a long time. I hope these become commercially available sooner rather than later.


    • Jon, OPT says:

      Terry, they’ve been in existence for a while, last I heard the guy making them was moving his production to the states, but that was pre-pandemic.

      • Terry Baldwin says:


        I appreciate the information.

        Iggy: I have several of the Nalgene 32 oz sized water bottles – similar in shape to the 1 Liter Flasks you referred to. I have used them sometimes in places like Iraq and Afghanistan instead of bladders. In some situations, I prefer them to bladders – but still like the old-fashioned kidney shaped canteens better. I find that they hug closer to the body than round alternatives.

        Matt: I knew of the stainless-steel versions offered under the Pathfinder brand. They seemed outsized for standard canteen covers/pouches, so I never purchased. I like the Heavy Cover Titanium Canteens and have several of those. Metal canteens have some advantages I appreciate like being able to thaw the contents out directly on a hot surface. However, plastic canteens are quieter than their metal cousins when noise discipline matters.

        Jon/SSD: I first saw them here not too long ago when SSD ran an article on new Artic Gear being developed. If they are dimensonally the same as standard 1 Quart Canteens – other than the wide mouth of course – I could see them becoming standard issue across the force. Not just for Arctic units. I would certainly spend a couple of bucks to replace some of my legacy canteens.

        Thanks all!

        • SSD says:

          They for the standard canteen cup but the mouth is too wide for an ALICE 1 Qt cover. Of course, there’s no MOLLE canteen cover because supposedly there aren’t any canteens.

          However, so far, it’s two canteens: standard, legacy 1 Qt and the Arctic 1 Qt. The arctic model does not have an M1 NBC cap so one would need to be developed if it were to become the standard issue.

          • Terry Baldwin says:


            I thought that the MOLLE 1 Quart Canteen/Utility Pouch was still being issued – as a Utility Pouch – even if the legacy 1 Quart Canteen is no longer standard issue. Am I wrong about that? I would think the Arctic Canteen w/cup would fit reasonably well into one of those.

            As for a wide mouth NBC Cap version, I think it would take very little time or effort to produce one of those if the Army asked for it. Wide mouth canteens would be advantageous in other than Arctic environments. Jungles for example. Bladders are just not the best option in every situation IMHO.


            • SSD says:

              It’s a utility pouch but there isn’t a dedicated 1 Qt pouch. The last one was part of SPEAR ELCS.

              • Terry Baldwin says:


                The pouch I am referring to was part of the RACK system that came out just before the SPEAR ELCS, if I remember correctly. The same pouch with the Y strap and flap was adopted as part of the MOLLE system. Of course, they got more use during GWOT as a pouch for NODs than for canteens. They are still being produced in OCP. I assume that soldiers and Marines are still getting issued 1 or 2 of them as part of their kit. It is probably a moot point anyway. I expect you are right, and the Arctic Canteen will only be procured in limited numbers and only issued in Alaska.


        • Iggy says:

          Appreciate the reply TLB. Yes I agree the kidney shape is a winner.
          Something I like is 2 x 1L square bottles fit nicely into many utility pouches. There was a 1.5L around a few years back but haven’t seen one lately. Also made by Decore i think.
          These days in the cold I carry Montbell Alpine thermoses, they stay hot or liquid much longer than any cover will. The weight isnt too much more and is offset by the energy return in cold climates.

          • Terry Baldwin says:


            I have used an old USGI square plastic canteen ~1 Liter capacity in place of the old 2 Quart canteen. Not a well-known variant. It has a hard rather than soft body like the 2 Quart bladder. But it fits nicely into the outside center pocket of the ALICE Rucksack. I understand they were designed to fit into the Survival Kit in an Ejection Seat on some high-performance aircraft back in the 80s. And they fit into some mid-sized Utility Pouches. I have a couple still. Unfortunately, there is no rectangular nesting cup or cup stove designed to go with them. So, they are not a good replacement for the old 1 Quart “cook set.”
            The thermos certainly sounds like a good option in colder climes.


  6. Stan Recker says:

    This ‘Parka’ product is not currently searchable on the Camelbak web site, and an email reply from their support stated the canteen was no longer available. I clarified my question and included a link to this post – still waiting for an answer.

  7. Ex Coelis says:

    Definitely NOT arctic-rated but definitely one of my all-time favourite pieces of hydrating kit..


  8. Stan Recker says:

    UPDATE: on this product from Camelbak:

    “The Arctic Parka is so new that it is not yet even available. Production has gone more slowly than planned. We should have some available this winter – January or February.”

  9. Chris says:

    Forget the cover, when will the wide mouth canteen be available?