
“Metal Fever” by Jim Schatz

A horrible scourge is stealing the health from many of my friends, and taking the lives of still others. Heavy metal poisoning is an affliction we are just beginning to comprehend. It almost sounds like some quaint illness from the 19th century but its effects are manifesting themselves in members of the profession of arms. So far, the SOF community has been at the forefront of identifying it but as this briefing by Jim Schatz shows, so many more have been exposed to heavy metals.

Jim Schatz left us with a great deal of information on small arms, but this briefing on the effects of heavy metal poisoning, presented to the NDIA Joint Armaments Forum in 2014, is one we should all review. Just take a look at the symptoms. They are easy to rationalize as another illness, or “just getting old”. As you’ll learn in this briefing, exposure is much simpler than spending lots of time in a shoothouse. I’ll go one step further than this briefing and remind those who’ve deployed that exposure to industrial waste is more likely in locales that lack effective means of disposal.

Please, take a few minutes to go over this briefing. Many of our breathren are suffering from the effects of heavy metal poisoning. One of them could be you.

To download your copy, click here.

Thanks to the SOF Health Initiatives Program for sharing this briefing with us.

4 Responses to ““Metal Fever” by Jim Schatz”

  1. Rich275 says:

    The link to the download requires a Google log in

  2. Patrick Sweeney says:

    Another link, please, to avoid Google?

  3. MajorSmoof says:

    I urge you all to check out these tactical respirators. Protection from shooting, burn pits and anything else with high particulate concentrations.

  4. Patrick Sweeney says:

    Still, with the google signup?

    A different link, please, so we don’t have to bare our souls to google, who haven’t already?