FirstSpear TV

The XM919 Individual Assault Munition

During yesterday’s briefing by Joint Program Executive Office Ammunition at the Future Forces Capabilities conference in Huntsville, Alabama, they mentioned the XM919 Individual Assault Munition, a new close combat lethality capability which seems to have flown under the radar.

Turns out, Picatinny issued a request for proposal (RFP) in August for the production of the XM919 Individual Assault Munition (IAM), utilizing Full and Open Competition (F&OC) procedures.

Intended to replace the M72 LAW, M136 and M136A1 AT-4 anti-tank weapons, and M141 Bunker Defeat Munition, the XM919 IAM tactical munition is a disposable, lightweight, single shot, multi-target, and Fire from Enclosure (FFE) capable Shoulder Launched Munition (SLM).

The XM919 IAM is for combat units at the squad level, employed by an individual Soldier. This will reduce the Soldier’s need to carry multiple systems, as they will no longer have to choose between an anti-armor or an anti-structure capability.

According the the Army the full XM919 IAM system consists of the XM919 IAM tactical munition and training devices to include the XM922 Sub-Caliber Trainer, associated Sub-Caliber Tracer Cartridge, Field Handling Trainer (FHT), and spare parts.

Due to the Full and Open competition aspect of the Army’s effort, they are relying on industry to deliver the desired effect. Market surveys in previous years have led the Army to believe that industry is more than capable of making this happen.

For example, General Dynamics Ordnance and Tactical Systems division released this video of their Individual Assault Munition during last year’s AUSA.

We will keep you up to date as the Army continues to pursue this new capability which is expected to begin fielding in FY26.

One Response to “The XM919 Individual Assault Munition”

  1. BS says:

    “Americanized” DND RGW 90/Matador?