
Light Fighter Course, 3-5 May 2024, Alabama

From crew who brought you Light Fighter Manifesto. Based on the pilot course conducted earlier in this year in Switzerland, CR2 is holding their inaugural US Light Fighter Course, 3-5 May 2024, at Steel City Precision in Alabama.

The 3-day Light Fighter Course offers training in skills for target interdiction and reconnaissance and surveillance (R&S) operations including precision shooting techniques, radio communications encompassing both voice and data, utilization of Software Defined Radios (SDRs) for spectrum analysis, monitoring, and directional finding.

Additionally, the course includes extensive training in comprehensive drone planning, flight operations, and culminates in a mission planning exercise integrating all learned skills.

One Response to “Light Fighter Course, 3-5 May 2024, Alabama”

  1. Sasquatch says:

    Dammit. You just had to post this, didn’t you SSD? I was holding off buying the course until my days off got approved. But now I’m afraid it’s going to sell out. So time to pull the trigger and hope for the best.