Protact by Haartz

Introducing the Atibal P1 Solar 1x Micro Prism

The patent pending Atibal P1 is the first solar power illuminated laser etched reticle reflex optic.

Traditional reflex optics project the reticle against a plane of glass. The P1 utilizes a laser etched illuminated reticle which is much clearer and sharper than projected dots. These features eliminate reticle “splash” or “flare” many deal with from projected illumination.

The illuminated reticle is apparent with or without battery power. The patent pending technologies allow for the solar power to amplify and enhance the traditional battery power. The solar illumination is activated based on battery condition. As the battery degrades the P1 is designed to automatically compensate in a method we call “Solar Failsafe”. The Atibal Solar Failsafe adjusts reticle intensity during low battery power to conserve power.  The P1 automatically adjusts reticle brightness based on the amount of power the battery has and the solar cell creates.  

Solar Failsafe allows for brighter conditions, to provide a brighter reticle. While in low-light situations, the reticle softly steps down its intensity to perfectly match any lighting conditions. These features allow the P1 to have industry leading battery life of 30,000 hours and beyond. With Solar failsafe, you never have to worry about your battery dying because you always have a reliable backup power source whenever there’s natural or artificial light.

The P1 is the ideal size and weight for short range and close quarters engagements. The P1 has a “no-snag” design and its exceptionally small size and weight allows maximum agility in tight spaces. With “Shake Awake” illumination and a large eyebox are key advantages when speed and accuracy are paramount.  

The P1 includes a picatinny rail compatible mount set at an ideal height for most applications. It also utilizes the Aimpoint T1/T2 footprint to maximize options for additional mounting uses.

The patent pending P1 Solar 1x Micro Prism offers unmatched clarity, features, durability, and value.

The reticle is designed so that the 65 MOA outer ring can be used to rapidly frame the target until the center dot is realized and a confident shot can be placed. The uncluttered sight picture along with the both eyes open operation of the P1 enable the shooter to better observe the impact area and place accurate follow up shots rapidly when needed, all the while maintaining good situational awareness.

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