GORE-TEX Military Fabrics

Happy Big 16 to SSD

I’ve been so busy I didn’t even realize today is the anniversary of our founding. A reader just informed me at the NRA Annual Meeting.

16 Responses to “Happy Big 16 to SSD”

  1. Stephen Hilliard says:

    Congrats!! Helluva milestone!

  2. Frontier Resolve says:

    Congratulations! I don’t know why, but it feels longer than 16 years that we have been enjoying SSD. Here’s to another 16!

  3. Adam says:

    Congrats! Thanks for all of the hard work over the years!

  4. D Liddle says:

    It’s one of the better defense-related blogs out there with a ton of updates and topical content. Doing a great job and here’s to 16 more!

  5. A. Alex says:

    A valuable resource for many years…I glean info here everyday. THANKS for the OUTSTANDING effort!! To many more!!

  6. Happy Anniversary Sir! Godspeed on many More!

  7. Jon, OPT says:

    Solid work as always, Eric

  8. Giff says:

    Congrats Eric!!

  9. jjj0309 says:

    In these fast, digital days where the world changes it’s shape in unprecedented pace, maintaining a place for 16 years is remarkable achievement.
    Proud to be here since day 1. Happy Anniversary and keep up the good work, Sir.

  10. Matt5454 says:

    Congrats! Thanks for all the great content over the years!

  11. Chris says:

    Love this site! Congratulations SSD! And Thank You for providing such great content that I can read every day!

  12. Nick says:

    Congratulations! What a great milestone, and thank you for providing outstanding information. Truly one of the best sources for industry information out there- bar none.

    Here’s to many more years!

  13. Lasse says:

    Imagine coming to the same damned website almost daily for 16 years…

  14. unwashed says:

    Thanks man, this is a unique site for good info, keep it up!

  15. razz says:

    Congratulations brother

  16. 22F says:

    Happy anniversary mate!