RAAM GSS from Wilcox Ind

Tacpickel, The Helmet Spike

Students of military history are likely familiar with the Pickelhaube, the distinctive headgear of the Imperial German Army from mid-1800s until the middle of World War One.

Tacpickel is a polymer version of that famous spike which can be affixed via Velcro to current ballistic helmets (or other headgear like motorcycle helmets) for that throw back look.

Gets yours at www.recon-company.com.

2 Responses to “Tacpickel, The Helmet Spike”

  1. Liam says:

    HA…..FOUND THAT FUNNY AND INTRESTING…..it for my helmet!! a little humor is a good thing!! Now all I need is the curly moustache!! ????It will be a hoot on the tactical range

  2. Oscar says:

    I noticed that the mannequin wearing the Pickelhaube on its helmet is clothed in Flecktarn camo, so it must be a German thing!