TYR Tactical

The Curious Case of The “Hyper Gray Man”…

Dr. Jeffrey Mau, Director of the Gray Man Research Institute and Dynamic Rehabilitation, sat down with our documentary crew to discuss their research on the fascinating world of the “Hyper Gray Man” phenomenon.


9 Responses to “The Curious Case of The “Hyper Gray Man”…”

  1. Jason says:

    Hilarious. C’mon people we have to be able to laugh at ourselves a bit. Levity anyone?!

  2. Chuck says:


  3. Jay says:

    This is fantastic!!!! Well done.

  4. Uncle Phred says:

    Dr. Mau be careful!

    You may have experienced a bit of negative transfer during your research: the high-and-tight haircut, the mirrored shades, the black t-shirt and the big-ass steel watch…

  5. Hodge175 says:

    When grey is actually fluorescent yellow, he forgot to hit on all the stickers on the truck.

  6. THAT GUY!!!! says:

    Fuck’n A!!!! LOL Love the Sarah McLachlan music and animal cruelty cages satire, Classic!

  7. Joe R. says:

    The “full-cycle” “successful-outcome” was not less scary.

    And . . . wait for it. . .

    I am not giving up my fire-starter paracord bracelet.

  8. jbgleason says:

    Hilarious yet people will get butt hurt because it hits too close to home.

    At least we are past the days of khaki Royal Robbins pants that screamed “FEDERAL AGENT!!!” if you wore them.

    • Josh Osche says:

      Royal Robbins was like 20 years ago. Feds wear Kühl, Arc’Teryx, and Gatorz now.