SIG SAUER - Never Settle

A Banging Good Raffle: Oklahoma Horse Rescue Fundraiser

David Reeder, a writer/editor in the firearm/gear/tactical area (and a sometime Soldier Systems Daily contributor), recently reached out to let me know of a fundraiser he is helping run. His site, Breach-Bang-Clear, is working with some of our generous friends in the industry to conduct an online raffle. All the proceeds benefit an equine rescue in NE Oklahoma. Dave himself is one of their team of volunteers. 

BLUF: Anti-fun social media/tech platforms have all but throttled the fundraiser. They’d appreciate you helping by sharing this link with friends and co-workers who might be interested:

You can buy a raffle ticket at the link above, but he and they are mostly interested in getting the word out in order to make up time lost to a series of setbacks explained below. 

Unfortunately, and in no small part because there are guns involved, their efforts have been strangled by a number of setbacks. First, Meta crushed engagement. Then, it throttled back all posts, whether related to the raffle or not, and later locked up the Facebook accounts of people who shared the original announcement. 

Shortly after that, PayPal locked the account and froze the money they’d raised, refusing to process any transactions of any kind until after an “investigation” by a 3rd party. Thankfully, the funds were released, but they’ve had to move to a new processing platform – and they lost several days of potential ticket sales trying to get their account freed up. 


If this fella looks rough it’s because he’s one of our newest arrivals. Eddie was trailered in the morning this picture was taken. He was underweight, ungroomed, and covered in bites and sores, and had significant issues with his hooves and teeth. His traveling companion, a mare not seen in this photo was in even worse shape and wasn’t particularly interested in having her picture taken.


The AR here being watched over by Chappie features an optic courtesy of Vortex, is jocked up in furniture donated by B5 Systems, and is built on a Franklin Armory binary trigger lower.

David’s Original Description

The Swingin’ D is a horse rescue in Wagoner County, OK, a ways out east of Tulsa. Yes, that really is the name of the place, and no, it’s not what you think.  

They (we) rescue, rehabilitate, and retrain abused horses from the slaughter pipeline and, other times, when they’ve been abandoned. All the considerable costs associated with those efforts are paid out of volunteers’ pockets or with the proceeds of an annual fundraiser.  

This year, that fundraiser is an online, nationwide raffle. 

Swingin’ D’s Horse Rescue is a 501(c)(3) charity that’s entirely volunteer-run and administered. 

At any given time, between 12 and 16 horses are being ministered to, cared for, and/or trained. There are a few ways you can help them (us) out!  

This folding AR pistol build is based on a Shield Arms folding lower (with an optic donated by Primary Arms) and is one of the raffle prizes.

Oklahoma Horse Rescue Raffle

Oklahoma’s Swingin’ D Ranch is conducting a fundraising raffle online. Prizes include a number of firearms, several good bourbons, a number of excellent tools, some knives, and assorted other prizes.

Some of the prizes in the 2024 Oklahoma Horse Rescue Raffle include…

  • An AR15 with binary trigger and optic
  • A folding AR pistol with optic
  • A Ruger Security 9 pistol
  • A Taurus Judge .410 Revolver
  • A case (1,000 rounds) of 9mm ammunition

Global Ordnance contributed a case of 9mm ammunition…and a pistol to shoot it, too.


This AR sports an optic courtesy of Vortex, is bedecked in furniture donated by B5 Systems, and is built on a Franklin Armory binary trigger lower.

  • Several different bottles of bourbon
  • Fixed blade and folding knives
  • A truck box
  • And a whole lot more!


Prizes have been donated by the likes of the following:

    With more being added pretty much every day!  

    Did we mention bourbon prizes, including a growing number of brands and bottles, along with several upcycled whiskey lamps? That’s Bo on the left and Winston on the right. You can watch them causing trouble here.


    1. Purchase raffle tickets:
    2. Share this Facebook post (social media has been crushing them; because firearms are a part of the prize lineup they’ve suppressed the hell out of the news).
    3. Make your own social media post. You can use any of the pictures in this article, the raffle page, or any Swingin’ D social media channels.
    4. Donate a prize (contact if you’d like to do that; the list of prizes is expanding every couple of days, we’ll take all the help we can get).

    Visit the Swingin’ D Oklahoma Horse Rescue. Learn more about the equine rescue bourbon, knife, tool, and gun raffle online.

    And please check back frequently!



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