
This Is The Coolest TDY Voucher I’ve Ever Seen

I present Col Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin Jr’s TDY voucher for his moon shot.



21 Responses to “This Is The Coolest TDY Voucher I’ve Ever Seen”

  1. Darth says:

    TDY Vouchers sure havent changed much

    • sefryak says:

      Glad to see he was smart enough to claim POV to and from residence to the base.

  2. CapnTroy says:

    What…no mileage…?

  3. Mike says:

    If he would have had to use DTS, he’d still be waiting for his reimbursement.

    • Hoff says:

      TRUTH!!! And then be audited years later!

    • Stacy0311 says:

      DTS would’ve rejected it:
      No supporting documents
      No Constructive Travel Worksheet
      “Gov Spacecraft” not an authorized mode of travel.

      and yes I currently have 4 vouchers waiting DTS approval…..

  4. D says:


  5. Jon, OPT says:

    “What? You’ve never been?”

    -Homer J Simpson

  6. John says:

    Is the performance report that simply read: “He went to the moon” a real thing? I always thought that was a good example of “less is more”

  7. sefryak says:

    Wonder if it was tax free, and what the per diem is nowadays?

  8. Hubb says:

    Dude…he didn’t claim any ATM fees.

  9. TM says:

    No Per Diem claimed? I guess Gov’t meals/lodging were furnished, but still… The Moon.

    Seriously, this is one of the most awesome things I’ve seen.

  10. MATBOCK_CEO says:

    Now that’s cool. Wish they still had “Gov. Spacecraft” as a option for mode of travel in DTS!

  11. Matt says:

    Only $33 to for going to the moon? What’s the per diem for the moon?

  12. chris says:

    I don’t see what all the Buzz is about…

  13. Evan says:

    Per diem was $1 for 19.25 days. Travel day was $8. $2.25 twice for something, maybe the ride on the Hornet. Plus the $10 for mileage. Finance predictably screwed up and mistook 19.25 for 11.25? Still can’t figure out how $33.75 turns into $33.31.