SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Para’kito Misquito Repellent

We checked out Para’kito misquito repellent at the recent Outdoor Retailer Summer Market in Salt Lake City.

While they offer several products, we were particularly interested in their DEET-free bands. Rather than the chemicals we are used to seeing, Para’kito relies on essential oils whixh gibe off a slight smell of lemon, kind of like a cintronella candle.

It’s a good alternative for those of you who don’t want to use DEET and the refillable inserts for the bands are intended to last 14 days each. Also offered as a clip which can be hung from your gear, either way, they offer a spehere of protection that doesn’t extend much beyond your personal space.


10 Responses to “Para’kito Misquito Repellent”

  1. PPGMD says:

    So I wear this, a Thermacell, Off Clip On, treat my cloths in Permethrin, and wear bug spray. And I would still get bit.

  2. PLiner says:

    Sorry, this homeopathic conglomeration of oils does jack and shit to keep the bugs off of you if you are any place other than maybe the patio of a restaurant.This stuff is a waste of money. High percentages of DEET and Permethrin treatment of clothes is what works reasonably well when you are someplace with serious mosquitos/bugs.

    • SSD says:

      Some people don’t want the chemicals on them, that’s why they buy Citronella.

      • AGL Bob says:

        I’ve got some Badger Anti-bug Balm with Citronella that works fine.

      • Tracey says:

        The neurological effects are starting to show the effects of DEET – not good!
        Para’Kito is sold in 35 countries – wouldn’t sell hundreds and thousands of units if it was just a smell good alternative.

    • ThatBlueFalcon says:

      Says the ‘Big Repellent’ shill. Educate yourself. Learn the truth.

      PLiner is absolutely correct. DEET works. DDT worked REALLY well. This stuff not so much.

  3. JoT says:

    SSD: Citronella wont keep the mosquito off you…if it did everyone would use it. The best product reviewed by Consumer Reports to keep the Culex mosqito away, which carries West Nile, and deer ticks which carry lime disease was a product called SAWYER….DEET free. It has Picardin in it. You probably saw Hope Solo at the Olympics with about a 10 year supply of it.

  4. PTMCCAIN says:


    DEET all the way, the more the better when the biting/stinging critters are swarming.