
Yeah, I Think He’s Back

In Theatres February 10, 2017.


39 Responses to “Yeah, I Think He’s Back”

  1. Gerard says:

    I look forward to it

  2. Patrick says:

    My body is ready.

  3. SamHill says:

    Good looking suit.

  4. Cuvie says:

    He’s got a Taran Tactical Innovations-modified Glock this time around instead of the H&K P30L from the last movie.
    Keanu has been doing some training with Taran as seen in that youtube video that blew up:

  5. Paul says:

    Dammit, I was expecting to see a trailer not a tailor!!!

  6. Ranger Rick says:

    “Good evening Mr. Wick…”

  7. Marc says:

    JW: Evening’ is the doctor in?

    Yes sir, 24/7.

    JW: Send him up please…

    Yes Sir. Will there be anything else sir?

    JW: Depends… How good is your laundry?

    The best, sir, however, I’m sorry to say that…. [hesitating] …No one is that good.

    JW: No, I thought not

  8. Martin Martinus says:

    Finger off trigger.

  9. john smith says:

    Oh dear Lord……

  10. Chalky says:

    Calm down Range Nazi there’s no need to police a make-believe world. Save the chastising for the unfortunate souls you shoot with.

  11. Mike says:

    Thats the kind of civilian clothes NSW is gonna try and sneak in on their list, year. I would hope tailor made in the USA is berry compliant

  12. TexasKrypteia says:

    He’s giving a coup de gras shot to the last person who told him how to run a gun. No homo, but I just got stiff.

  13. PTMCCAIN says:

    Excellent….that first movie was some of the most realistic CQB handgun work I’ve ever seen depicted in a movie.

    • Gerard says:

      The forst movie had so much going for it. An intelligent script, an amazing cast and great visuals

    • James says:

      Center Axis Relock for the win!
      I have to say if his shooting looks anything like it did in the Taran Tactical vid it will be even better this time.

  14. May this be every bit as good as the first!

  15. Steak TarTar says:

    I have a friend who worked for Kimber at the time and he got to go on set for JW2. He said there’s a sequence where he uses Kimbers

  16. Dellis says:

    So looking forward to this flick! I just hope and pray they do the script and story justice. I mean we do not need a series of “Taken” going south…again!

    First movie was great, it had a slice of comedy with this surreal underworld assassin “code” where they had certain “dos” and “don’ts” which I found to be very entertaining. So they need to keep some of that but also add a reason worthy of huge killing spree ala John Wick style!

    I mean they killed his puppy and violated his car and interrupted his grieving.

    Best line in movie for me is when Viggo calls John Leguizamo character and asks why he hit his son?

    “Well he stole John Wicks car, and killed his dog!”

    Viggo replies, “Oh” Then just hangs up, drops a deuce in his pants. Best line!!

  17. Darkhorse says:

    Best. Mustang. Ever.

  18. TM says:

    A hotel only for assassins? Sort of feel like the FBI might of caught on to that at some point.

    Good flick, but Collateral makes it look like a joke.

  19. I think the fact he’s trained and practiced to the point he’s made himself a seriously quick competition shooter who could (seemingly at least) compete at a high level in certain events.. well, very impressive. The extra features on the matrix DVDs go in to a lot of detail on the immense amounts of martial arts the whole cast did did for those films to reach the proficiency that they did.

  20. Mr.E.G. says:

    I really thought the first movie was as meh as a movie can be.

  21. JKifer says:

    look at that finger discipline…