GORE-Tex Professional

SSD Saturday Night At The Movies Presents ‘World War III’

Tonight, my obssession with the Cold War continues. ‘World War III’ is a so-called mockumentary offering an alternative history version of the end of the Cold War which turns all too hot.

This 1998 film combines actual historical footage with fictional scenes to depict what might have transpired if, following the overthrow of Mikhail Gorbachev, Soviet troops, under orders from a new hard-line regime, had opened fire on demonstrators in Berlin in the fall of 1989 and precipitated World War III. 

It was directed by Robert Stone and distributed by ZDF along with an English version, offered in collaboration with The Learning Channel.

14 Responses to “SSD Saturday Night At The Movies Presents ‘World War III’”

  1. IheartPTbelts says:

    Dont have time to watch it right now, but is this the one where the US Soldier in Alaska turns on his buddies to help pave the way for the Russians to attack into Alaska?

  2. orly? says:

    I’ve been looking for this for awhile.

    Thank you for finding it.

  3. MK says:

    I am just a Russian. And I know that the Americans are honest and decent people. But! If the US wants war with Russia and will continue to incite the rest of the world, I and millions mens like me to take up arms. I didn’t want war, but if war begins close to our borders, then it will end in the United States. The war will go down in every American home and no one can escape from it. I promise you that.

    • Back at you buddy…

      FYI, Russia is doing the inciting right now. Ukraine is an independent nation. NATO nukes aren’t being moved into neighboring countries like Kalingrad, we aren’t fielding new nuclear bombs, flying recklessly next to your aircraft, conducting mock bombing runs on your warships, flying nuke capable bombers up to your border, your politicians/media & military are constantly reminding the world you are a nuclear power and we aren’t building new nuke ready bunker systems.

      The nuclear boogeyman is being stirred by Russia and then their ill informed citizens are being told the West is starting trouble.

    • Jester says:

      Hello Comrade,
      Please do not think that the Russians have cornered the market on bringing the war to your doorstep. We Americans have been conducting “on the job training” for quite a few years now. You can sit there and assume we are soft and easy, but keep in mind we have many more weapons than people in this country, and there are plenty of people looking for a fight.

      Be careful what you ask for when you look for a fight in an American home.

      • Alexander says:

        It’s may be a surprise for you, but we are, Russians, DO NOT want to test you – are you soft or hard like a rock.
        But… How many Russian military bases are exist near USA? And how many NATO bases were placed near Russia at last twenty years?
        How many countryes were attacked by USSR/Russia at last handred years? And how many countryes were attacked by USA forces?
        Did Russia support revolts in Mexica or Canada? And who supported and paid for Ukraina’s “revolution”?
        While we are talking here, people in Donbass are under fire only because they wanted to speak Russian, like they fathers did, and not wanted to teach they children to admit Nazis like Bandera, who killed thousands of civilians during WWII. What will you feel if Mexicans start killing some of they citizens only because they want to speak English?
        I’m 44, and I have two sons and a daughter. I do not want to send my sons at war. And no one of my friends too. Please, understand it – and stop cornering my country.

        P.S. Excuse me for bad English.

        • SSD says:

          You might want to consider why all of your former “allies” have joined NATO. That answer will give you a clue as to why there are so many NATO bases near Russia. You don’t need those states under your influence to serve as a buffer to the West.

          We aren’t Napoleon nor Hitler. Neither America nor NATO has an interest in invading Russia. We do however have an interest in protecting the sovereignty of our allies.

  4. Diddler says:

    My how the learning channel has fallen. Now the learning channel is just the , “gateway to Idiocracy.”

  5. Brando says:

    SSD has caught the attention of Putin’s Comment Troll Force.