Sometimes you have to wonder what is going on. The Army put out a great story to explain that Soldiers can now wear the Coyote Fleece Cap with ACUs but for some reason could only find a photo depicting the Foliage version and old Black watch cap.
Sometimes you have to wonder what is going on. The Army put out a great story to explain that Soldiers can now wear the Coyote Fleece Cap with ACUs but for some reason could only find a photo depicting the Foliage version and old Black watch cap.
The reason you don’t see photos of the coyote fleece cap being worn by Army Soldiers is because of standards enforcement by our NCOs. If this was a story about Navy… well… things would be different. GO ARMY! BEAT NAVY!
This news is almost as boring as the new Glock g44 22lr pistol that holds only ten rounds but is the size of a g19.
Sounds about right, actually.
Thats par
Well since ACU’s are no longer in service, this approval is kind of a day late and ACU short.
Yes, ACUs are still in use.
Unfortunately the Army, being the Army, everyone seems to think that UCP pattern ACU’s were actually called ACU’s and OCP/Multi-cam/Scorpion pattern ACU, FRACU, and IHWCU’s are called OCP’s and thus refer to the duty uniform as “OCP’s” and think you mean go dress up in UCP crap if you say “ACU.” It’s a battle not worth fighting.
And, of course, you’re now going to get F**kheads showing up in PT’s with brown watchcaps now that they’re authorized just like you previously had F**kheads showing up in PT’s with foliage green watchcaps because “that’s what they were issued.” And people wonder why uniform regulations are so asinine…
Lighten up, Francis.
I Agree with Pete
The soldier’s health is more important than some silly peacetime notion of enforced “uniformity” as long as they do not show up in a pink pussy hat or something. Foliage, black, dirt brown all fine by me. I would rather check on the soldier’s fitness.
I figured Army backdoor admitted the Foliage was Gray when I saw photos of Gray PT jackets with the Foliage fleece head sock, but “too cheap to issue both Foliage fleece and Black watch cap” makes just as much sense…
Not only could they not find the Coyote Brown Fleece Cap, they couldn’t find a fleece cap at all!
Nice to know I’ve been a trendsetter for the past 2 years.
But the real question here is…. where are their pt belts!