Tactical Tailor

Pelican 2490 Light

You may remember similar lights form AIT, A School or Tech School, but the Pelican 2490 Light is pretty cool.

It features a lot screw-on traffic wand so it will be just as much at home during those low light marches to and from the classroom as it is checking for flight deck FOD (foreign object damage). Powered by 4AA batteries, the 2490 LED produces 64 lumens of clean bright light to ensure maximum communication visibility. And, with a run time of 12 hours, the 2490 LED will outlast a full work shift.


One Response to “Pelican 2490 Light”

  1. Alpha2 says:

    I’ve got about a half dozen of those old light wands in my garage that I “borrowed” during my late teenage ramp agent days. These are pretty cool.