
Tenicor Launches The Zero Belt

Tenicor has added the Zero Belt to their lineup. Like their holster, their belt is something different than most of us are used to. The idea was to give you a smooth front of the belt with no buckle to interfere with other gear.

With the Zero Belt, the tail end of the belt tucks behind the rest, instead of outside and across the buckle or through the buckle and back where it came like on a rigger-style belt. This allows for a very low profile loop buckle.

When I got the belt I didn’t think it was going to be very secure, but the tension system works just fine. It’s also plenty rigid.

Make sure you watch this video.

These belts are sewn by Wilderness Tactical Products and are very high quality. The tail end of the Zero Belt is treated with Wilderness Tactical Products’ proprietary polymer, which soaks into the core of the nylon, permanently protecting it from fraying.

Offered in sizes 28-44. Just buy your pant size.

8 Responses to “Tenicor Launches The Zero Belt”

  1. chris says:

    I really hope they did their homework on this. It’s really similar to the Grip6 belt (which is another Made in USA Small Business).

    They own U.S. Patent Nos. 10,004,301

    Maybe it’s licensed for tactical applications?

    • Mike says:

      I own a GRIP6 and the buckle design on this belt is probably just different enough to get around a patent. Plus, the belt material is likely different and the coating on the end is a change from Grip6. It doesn’t take much to get around a patent.

  2. Dave says:

    So basically a GRIP6 Belt, but not as nice.

  3. Phil says:

    Yea. I hate to say it but that’s the GRIP6 locking mechanism. I can’t support a company that steals their designs from an American Made company. If you wanna steal something, steal it from an overseas brand. Heaven knows they steal from us all day.

  4. Blitz says:

    I would be surprised if Tenicor infringed on anyone’s patent. That doesn’t seem to be their style. Having owned wilderness. Products that lasted for decades, this is interesting.

    • Matt says:

      People and companies unknowingly infringe on others patents all the time. Hopefully they’ll research this as the method of holding the belt closed is strikingly similar to that patented by Grip6.


  5. jbgleason says:

    Make this in tan / brown / CB please. Something besides black.