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Explosive Hazard Recognition Cards

My friend Grzegorz gave me a pack of playing cards today that were created to help keep people alive in Ukraine.

Intended to educate about different types of munitions, each card features a photo with size and weight ?data and a QR code to learn more about the item.

For example, here it the card for the PFM-1 with the QR code going here.

To learn more, visit

3 Responses to “Explosive Hazard Recognition Cards”

  1. Liam Babington says:

    Where can these cards be had? I have Veterans where I live going back and forth to Ukraine! thanks!!

  2. Burdy says:

    Yes, take my money.

  3. AbnMedOps says:

    I hope they are circulating something like this in Ukrainian schools. Kids pick up the damndest things in a combat zone.