TYR Tactical

Light Fighter Manifesto Reprints Available

Light Fighter Manifesto is testing out a “Print on Demand” Service for both issues, Vol I and II. Unfortunately, the service doesn’t offer international shipping but if you missed out on Vol I or II, now’s your chance.

They’ll close it come Oct 31st in preparation of Vol III for December which will be a more “pocket” friendly publication, similar to a Ranger Handbook and it will be available to EU partners and will be coming in close to 200 pages of Light Fighter Content.


2 Responses to “Light Fighter Manifesto Reprints Available”

  1. Andrew says:

    I was hoping they would do this eventually, I missed out on the original print run of Volume 1.

  2. The Shropshire Slasher says:

    Me too…just ordered 1 and 2 !!!