
Over 200 Retired Flag Officers Endorse Trump Citing National Security Concerns

Our National Security and Personal Safety Are At Stake In This Election

A Growing List of Over 200 Retired Generals and Admirals Endorse Donald J. Trump for President

[Richmond, Virginia] [September 30, 2024]: Today, over 200 retired generals and admirals are endorsing Donald J. Trump to be president. This list grows as an increasing number of retired military leaders recognize Trump has demonstrated the leadership ability needed to provide for the safety and security of the United

States of America. Donald Trump has a proven track record of success providing the most fundamental responsibilities required of a U.S. President: protecting national security, domestic safety, and the U.S. Constitution.

The current administration, led by the President and Vice President, has allowed our nation to become unsecure, our citizens unsafe, and our country divided due to the cultural war being waged across America in the form of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI).This divisive domestic strife is dividing our Country, allowing our foreign adversaries to take advantage of the political/social disorder in America. A recent bipartisan congressional report “Commission on the National Defense Strategy” said: “The United States confronts the most serious and the most challenging threats since the end of World War II. The United States could in short order be drawn into a war across multiple theaters with peer and near-peer adversaries, and it could lose.”

Our adversaries watched the Afghanistan debacle unfold and concluded the Administration is weak based on decisions made in the White House situation room. Since then, China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, and global terrorists are rapidly expanding their capabilities and aggressiveness. These same adversaries are watching how DEI is being forced into our military as it divides service members instead of uniting them into cohesive teams, resulting in decreased warfighting readiness.

As president, Donald Trump took executive action to eliminate such harmful programs from the Defense Department and will do it again. We are at a historic crossroad where we must either choose to stand for our Constitution and its underlying traditional values which have made America the greatest nation on earth, or we continue down the path the current administration’s top leadership is taking into the abyss of socialism and authoritarian cultural Marxism. The choices in this election have never been more clear.

We urge our fellow Americans to join us in supporting the election of Donald J. Trump for president. Our future is at stake.

The growing list of over 200 retired U.S. generals and admirals endorsing Donald J. Trump for President are a part of Flag Officers 4 America, an all-volunteer group of retired military flag officers working to uphold the oath they took to support and defend the U.S. Constitution.

To download the entire document with list of endorsers, click here.

19 Responses to “Over 200 Retired Flag Officers Endorse Trump Citing National Security Concerns”

  1. Eric G says:

    I published this for two reasons. First, I know some of the generals who signed this declaration. Second, it hasn’t gotten much exposure. Considering the media hoopla over letters of support for candidates by other groups of former national security professionals, I felt this deserved a share.

    Eric Graves

  2. John says:

    Endorsing the dude who bragged about Israeli intel to the Russian foreign minister?

    The dude who admires China and North Korea’s presidents for life and wishes America could have that?

    The dude who stacked classified docs in his bathroom, lied about it and showed them off to random rich people?

    That guy?

    Oof. No shit these flag officers can’t win wars if that the kind of judgement they have and the kind of leadership they admire for the people that serve under them.

    • Nathan says:


      Well said.

      Eric the list is not that impressive. Why don’t you publish the list of how Endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris?

      • Eric G says:

        First, I appreciate you being a real person, unlike John above.
        As for your question, the answer is two-fold. As I already commented, that list is well publicized and readily available. What’s more, it consists of over 700 members from across the National security enterprise, not just retired military flag officers. At 700, most of the signers are inconsequential. Of those who are, they include men who have lied to Congress about illegal surveillance as well as to the American people about the Hunter Biden laptop. Collectively, they have worked as an unelected body outside of checks and balances to undermine our constitutional form of governance.

        • John says:

          Hey Eric,

          I assure you I’m real. Long time reader too, so I’m not surprised of your defense of Trump. Nevertheless, I appreciate the industry coverage.


      • Eric B. says:

        I got scared there for a minute. I’m thankful for the responses above. I’m a lifelong conservative and while I certainly don’t agree with a lot of the Dem proposals, having spent 37 years in law enforcement, I can’t support “the dude” and wannabe “leaders” (some former military officers in my district) who feel they can’t get elected to Congress and the Senate by showing leadership but instead hanging on the coattails of “the dude.”

        • Justin says:

          SSD thanks for sharing the otherside of this.

          To Eric B, disregard dem “proposals” and just check the track record. KH/Bidens been a disaster by every measure.

          Blatant disregard for the rule of law. Wide open borders. Disastrous foreign policy. Unchecked foreign aid to sworn enemies. We could go on for days.

          As an American ask yourself is the world safer for us and our Allies today or was it safer 4 or 6 years ago?

          Has Americas standing in the world increased or decreased in the last 4 years? 2 years? Is your dollar gaining or losing in spending power?

          How does the dems destruction of national security and deprioritizing Americans right here in the USA align with your supposed conservative values and lifelong career in law enforcement?

          But ya..let’s worry about career politicians being suddenly concerned about having to recognize their lobbyists interests may not align with the citizens they serve. The folks in DC have lead us down the wrong path. Its time to recognize it. Trump may not be perfect but he’s certainly better than the alternative.

          Something something Orange man bad.

          • Yawnz says:

            I highly doubt this person is what he says he is. Given that this is more or less an anonymous website, anyone can claim to be anything. This “as a lifelong conservative and 37 years in LE” yarn reeks of the propaganda bots you see on Twitter or Facebook

        • Yawnz says:

          Why would your claimed time in law enforcement matter? Trump isn’t the one trying to take LEO money, make it harder for them to arrest offenders, and then turning said offenders loose.

      • Martin says:

        Get your testosterone levels checked Nathan. Real men don’t vote for the party of angry women and weak men.

      • Yawnz says:

        Why would the list need to be “impressive”? Endorsement are only platitudes, and if you’re swayed by them, you shouldn’t ever hold any kind of position of responsibility.

    • Yawnz says:

      I suppose we’ll ignore the disingenuous nature of the “admire China and North Korea” comment, and the fact that nothing of consequence was recovered from Trump’s house in terms of “classified documents”. I seem to remember Biden having stuff in his office at the University of Delaware, completely open to foreign compromise.

      It was legal for Trump to possess those documents, being a former President. It was not legal for Biden to, as the VP has no such protections or privileges. Where is the evidence he showed them off to anyone?

      As for the “Israeli” intelligence, there’s no proof of that either. Anonymous “officials with knowledge of the situation” does not constitute evidence, as anyone can make up a story with such “sources” and claim it to be true.

  3. Ben says:

    He addressed that. He said KH’s get plenty of exposure, but this one has not.

  4. Eric B. says:

    I got scared there for a minute. I’m thankful for the responses above. I’m a lifelong conservative and while I certainly don’t agree with a lot of the Dem proposals, having spent 37 years in law enforcement, I can’t support “the dude” and wannabe “leaders” (some former military officers in my district) who feel they can’t get elected to Congress and the Senate by showing leadership but instead hanging on the coattails of “the dude.”

  5. Eric says:

    I do not think this belongs here. More of a personal facebook thing. I thought of this as a professional industry source, my assessment appears wrong.

  6. Raul says:

    Endorsements aside and which list is “better”, from a national security perspective, I’ve never felt less secure than with our current leadership. I read a compelling/convincing article about how we’re closer to a nuclear weapon popping off now than when JFK was in office. Now if that were to happen, who has the keys and the football? Who gets the call? Love the dude or hate the dude, at least he was the dude. I think if you have a Raytheon exec in your neighborhood and suddenly they head to the lake house – you might know what’s up. Me – not so much. But what do I know …

  7. Ross B says:

    Finally, a few (more than a few!) good men.
    You better vote in November, the other side hates the USA.

  8. Justin says:

    SSD thanks for sharing the otherside of this.

    To Eric B, disregard dem “proposals” and just check the track record. KH/Bidens been a disaster by every measure.

    Blatant disregard for the rule of law. Wide open borders. Disastrous foreign policy. Unchecked foreign aid to sworn enemies. We could go on for days.

    As an American ask yourself is the world safer for us and our Allies today or was it safer 4 or 6 years ago?

    Has Americas standing in the world increased or decreased in the last 4 years? 2 years?

    Is your dollar gaining or losing in spending power?

    How does the dems destruction of national security and deprioritizing Americans right here in the USA align with your supposed conservative values and lifelong career in law enforcement?

    But ya..let’s worry about career politicians being suddenly concerned about having to recognize their lobbyists interests may not align with the citizens they serve. The folks in DC have lead us down the wrong path. Its time to recognize it. Trump may not be perfect but he’s certainly better than the alternative.

    Our forefathers gave everything to set us all up for greatness. We need to take care of our country. This is an incredibly unique place in the world and in history. Let’s not give it up because of feelings or because the television overlords tell us to.

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