SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Norway We Are With You

As the day progressed we heard more and more about the heinous crimes committed against the people of Norway. Unfortunately, the collective response was overwhelmingly wrong in throwing blame at one group or another. Regardless of who did it, the responsibility lies at the feet of intolerance. The underlying problem is a lack or respect for human life and a lack of respect for freedom.

How do we ever understand such senseless acts?

Norway, we grieve with you. Be strong.


7 Responses to “Norway We Are With You”

  1. X says:

    We can only do something about this by being vigilant and ready to defend ourselves as well as those who cannot defend themselves. To do anything else is to play into the hands of those who would do us harm.

    Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom.

    It would have only taken one determined individual acting on the behalf of all others to stop that heinous criminal.

  2. Snazz says:

    Though, you can say the criminal is a vigilante acting on the behalf of others to stop something heinous. Views on what is a crime or what is morally wrong are not always universal, even though resorting to deadly outcomes is bad, there would be no difference when individuals decide to take issues into their own hands to stop others.

  3. Ola says:

    87 are confirmed dead, multiple wounded, and still searching. My good friend got shot, but she was luckily only hit in the arms. I’m not a religious man, but I hope you all can pray for us – our country is in dire need of all kinds of help..

  4. Martin says:


    I am a religious man and have been praying for all of you. I was fortunate to work with your military long ago and have friends in Oslo, though thankfully they are all ok. I have no doubt the US will provide as much help as we are able. God bless.

  5. Strike-Hold! says:

    Well said Eric!

    Ola – you’re all in my thoughts and on my heart today as well.

    “A bolw against peace and freedom anywhere is a blow against peace and freedom everywhere.”

  6. Standy says:


    Moral relativism is the refuge of a coward.

  7. Paul Weaver says:

    Perhaps some good can come from this horrific episode – if those hyping intolerance and violence toward groups of loosely-associated innocents are driven to tone down their rhetoric and invective, it at least may result in fewer similar incidents in the future.