
Juggernaut Tactical Rogue Bullpup Stock

Got an extra M1A or M14 laying around that you want to convert into a bullpup configuration? Then the Juggernaut Tactical Rogue Bullpup Stock is worth taking a look at. Their intent was to build the best possible stock from the outset for the M14.

Juggernaut Tactical thought the bullpup design was a natural for the M14 as it moves the action 11″ closer to the body making it more compact and more balanced. Additionally, this design makes it more capable in built up areas where a traditional M14’s length works against itself in tight spaces. This overall design could serve well as a counter-sniper platform.

Additionally, they have integrated several modern technologies into the design that are not found on a standard M14. It has an adjustable neoprene bedding system that eliminates tolerance issues with different manufacturer’s receivers, while still maintaining high accuracy. The optics are free-floated and the Rogue offers 39 inches of 1913 Picatinny rails, located at 3, 6, 9 and 12 o’clock. The rails are laser indexed to simplify the attachment and reattachment of accessories. Additionally, it incorporates a push-button safety.

The stock is available in Black or Tan and available for order now from

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10 Responses to “Juggernaut Tactical Rogue Bullpup Stock”

  1. Riceball says:

    Nice but pretty pricey, costs more than my M1A did. And since I live in CA it would probably turn my M1A into an “evil” black gun.

  2. Alex says:

    Design looks very similar to the Bulldog M14.

  3. Aaron says:

    The Rogue is ready to ship next day…a friend of mine has been waiting three years for a stock from Short Rifles…never in stock somehow so he sprang for the Rogue and withdrew his order from Short Rifles.

  4. […] seen on: Soldier Systems __________________ Google >> M14HDW.US EBR […]

  5. fadsf says:

    UGLY as hell

  6. Rob says:

    I had the pleasure of shooting this system yesterday in CA………..I have only one word that describes it………. BADASS!!!!!

  7. epic tactical sandals for rifle testing! stock looks cool, but makes an instant “assault rifle” in the people’s republic of kalifornia

  8. This is a well thought out, well designed, well executed and totally functional system. Get one now before their popularity makes them hard to get.

  9. ben says:

    I shot one today in 116 deg………………this weapon is Hotter! Perfectly balanced, dead accurate. I will be selling my AR-15 this week.