
Eagle Stocking Program


Starting spring 2012 a eagle Industries will begin stocking 15 of their best selling products. No more waiting.


7 Responses to “Eagle Stocking Program”

  1. Doc says:

    Which vest is that on the right?

    • straps says:

      If you squint hard enough it could be a variant of the Scalable Plate Carrier.

      • Doc says:

        Yea I was thinking that or maybe it’s the assault PC

        • Hammer says:

          Looks like the Upgraded Plate Carrier, it’s essentially a D-PC (Assault Plate Carrier) but fits regular ESAPI and SAPI cut plates, unlike the D-PC which uses Swimmer/Operator cut.

  2. Irish says:

    Do you have a list of which 15 products? USA made or DR?

  3. Haji says:

    “No waiting” and “Eagle” in the same sentence. Who’d ‘a thunk it?