B5 Systems

Notice Anything New?

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6 Responses to “Notice Anything New?”

  1. TRP says:

    You wont hear me argue about price of quality… but lets face it, quality is quality and to me that means using the best materials and labor for the product while establishing great quality control…. with that said, many people feel they can get the same quality for cheaper if its outsourced. Wrong. These manufactures lose quality control once they ship the manufacturing out of their sights… and for the most part, outsourcing doesnt add up to saving the customers money, outsourcing adds up to corporate greed… no matter what there will always be R&D and what about shipping costs on a boat from china.. the problem is that to many people want something that looks good with a cheap price tag…. people like myself that want quality wouldnt mind spending the extra couple bucks to save American jobs… i understand we cant do it all over here but do not support outsourcing as a good thing in general… come on now manufactures are outsourcing products to save $0.03 pr/item.. guess who is seeing the savings, the CEOs not us, whe are not buying a million of them… i mean i love what you guys are doing for informing people of quality products, but lets not push that outsourcing is saving the customers money… if you would like specific date and numbers i can give you another 50 pages on here easy about the outsourcing of business compared 2 keeping it inhouse…

    • SSD says:

      Aside from the fact that you posted on the wrong article, I think you completely missed the point of the article. We need to inoculate American consumers. They’ve gotten the, “buy cheap” disease. The average consumer has no idea what it takes to bring that commodity to them and we are trying to introduce the notion of value. Once they understand that buying American means employing Americans the discussion changes and that extra money begins to make sense.

      • TRP says:

        My apologies, after rereading the artical I see where you are comming from… I tend to get a little heated by people that want quantity over quality, which ends up usually meaning outsourced goods.. once again I apologize!!!

  2. TRP says:

    Ohhh.. and dont ban me for saying that…. just MHO….

  3. MATBOCK says:

    Nice work – Love the “SHARE THIS” functions.