
S&S Precision PlateFrame Update

S&S Precision PlateFrame Spec Sheet


5 Responses to “S&S Precision PlateFrame Update”

  1. Ben Branam says:

    I can’t wait to get my hands on one of these. The question is how much and where can I get one?

  2. Isaac says:

    At shotshow they said about 350-375.

  3. mike says:

    They are definitely for sale. You can get them direct through S&S and many retail shops. They sell them where I work. Like anything S&S, though, if you’re asking how much it might be out of your budget.

  4. The Source says:

    381.10 MSRP

  5. Reseremb says:

    Some European retailers are selling them >500€… “nice” :/