
Duffle Bag Back Pack Project

The Duffle Bag Back Pack Project on indiegogo has caught our eye. The idea is to repurpose,” old Military Duffel bags into new, Every Day Carry book bags. They are using indiegogo to crowd source their startup costs and are trying to raise $750 to get started. This will be used to purchase enough Duffel Bags, Thread, Buckles, Webbing, and Foam Support to be able to fabricate enough prototypes to send to be reviewed, tested, and ultimately judged. Naturally, they are offering a variety of ‘perks’ for those that invest.

The makers envision three models –

Basic model – no flap and side pockets

Standard model – flap and side pockets

Advanced model – flap, side pockets, and a hidden compartment for a concealed carry pistol

If you are interested in investing in this concept to give some new life to duffel bags, you will be entered into a drawing. According to the site, these are the prizes –

There are currently FIVE prizes, so that means there will be FIVE winners, and more prizes are being added! Currently our prizes are 1 Next Level Training SIRT Performer Student Training Pistol (MSRP $219)- This is a non-firing laser training pistol designed to help you train your weapons manipulation skills and trigger control 1 Blind Horse Knives Frontier Knive (MSRP $60), Blind Horse Knives hand makes all of their knives, and they are of exceptional quality and crafstmanship. This is a knife that you will be wanting to pass down through the generations. 1 Battle Arms Development Three Lever Selector kit (MSRP $60) for your AR 15 with patch and decal, the selector switches are ergonomically designed and a great improvement over the Selector switches that come standard, 1 Leitner-Wise Manufacturing Battle Shot Shot Glass (MSRP $16), these shot glasses are designed after the AR15 compensator/flash hider. They are certainly very cool and will turn heads anytime you go out with your friends. The quality and craftsmanship on these shot glasses is absolutely outstanding. The last prize is 1 Duffel Back Pack. If you donate even just $1, you could still have the chance to win a Duffel Back Pack! Also, please keep in mind that ALL perks are still valid! If you donate $100, AND win the prize drawing, you will get all of the perks listed, plus whatever the prize is!


5 Responses to “Duffle Bag Back Pack Project”

  1. Buckaroomedic says:

    I recently saw an article about another company that was already doing this. One would send in their old USGI duffle bag and they would repurpose it into a messenger bag using the original hardware and material.

    For the life of me I can’t find and/or remember who was doing this.

  2. trvsmcdowell says:

    @ Buck, I believe that was Chrome doing a limited time run.

  3. Buckaroomedic says:

    OH, so that’s where I saw it! : )