
Ice-T Talks Second Amendment

I personally am finding it pretty damned ironic that folks who vilified Ice-T for his song, “Cop Killer” now think he’s an OK dude because he defends the Second Amendment for what it is.

Ice-T: Not really. You can strap explosives on your body, they do that all the time.

Ice-T: Well, I’ll give up my gun when everybody does. Doesn’t that make sense? If there were guns here, would you want to be the only person without one?

Krishnan Guru-Murthy, anchor, Channel 4 News: So do you carry guns routinely at home?

Ice-T: Yeah, it’s legal in the United States. It’s part of our Constitution. You know, the right to bear arms is because that’s the last form of defense against tyranny. Not to hunt. It’s to protect yourself from the police.

Anchor: And do you see any link between that and these sorts of incidents (Aurora)?

Ice-T: No. Nah. Not really really. You know what I’m saying, if somebody wants to kill people, you know, they don’t need a gun to do it.

Anchor: It makes it easier though, doesn’t it?

15 Responses to “Ice-T Talks Second Amendment”

  1. .308 says:

    great rapper, very under rated.

  2. Ted says:

    It’s also ironic that he made a name for himself as an actor by portraying cops in TV and movies (New Jack City, Law and Order:SVU)

  3. BrettW says:

    At second 54 he points out its to protect yourself “from the police”. He hasnt changed.

    • scott says:

      I think his reference to protect yourself from the police is a hypothetical as turning into a police state (like Germany did in WWII). Is that what he really means, we will probably never know, but hey at least he takes a stand on gun control that lobbies my interests…

  4. RogerRappit says:

    I would agree, it would seem he’s taken a turn from when he rapped about cop-killing. His recent incident with the NYPD highlighted the fact that he blamed the individual officer and even stated if I recall that he felt most other officers were doing a good job. And it did turn out that the officer was in the wrong and he had paid his insurance/registration or some crap like that. I’m not a fan of his, but the more people supporting law abiding citizens bearing arms and not talking about killing cops I’m all for it.

    Have to remember most inner city folk view the police as representing the government and oppression… or in this context someone trying to take your gatt

    • Strike-Hold! says:

      “Have to remember most inner city folk view the police as representing the government and oppression…”

      Sounds like they have more in common with the Tea Party than one would think at face-value then. 😉

      Is this the launch of the Ice-Tea Party?

      • mike says:

        We have a winner.

        • BrettW says:

          Far from it if he support Barrack Obama.

          On June 5, 2008, Ice-T jokingly stated that he would be voting for John McCain in the 2008 American elections. Ice-T also speculated that his past affiliation with Body Count could hurt Barack Obama’s chances if he endorsed him, so he’d choose instead to ruin John McCain’s campaign by saying he supported him.

          (I know its a quote from Wiki – but its true as far i can can see)

      • reverenddel says:


  5. Stefan S. says:

    Thought he would have taken the leftist approach! Cheers T!

  6. BrettW says:

    I hope you all are right; but I seriously doubt it given his past. I can only take him at his own words and context and not interject opinion on “what you think he means”. If he meant it a different way he should have said it that way.

    And I’m just curious strike-hold! – who is “they”? Are you talking about rappers ?

  7. RWC says:

    Sam Adams, John Hancock, John Adams, Tom Jefferson, Tom Paine, Paul Revere… all seemed to have a problem with the legal government and law enforcement of their day…

    I think Ice-T is right, the reason our constitution ensures our right to bear arms is because that’s the last form of defense against tyranny.

    There are a lot of historical examples where having a well-armed citizenry would have made all the difference – throughout central and Eastern Europe, Armenia, Asia, etc…. come to think of it – Native American Indians probably fall in that group…

    I have friends and family in law enforcement so I would have preferred he had said ‘police-state’ rather than ‘police’….

    (BTW: Retired USA, 23 years enlisted and commissioned, 11B, 18A)

  8. BrettW says:

    So if criminals support the 2nd amendment; then we should forget about their past? I think not.

    Here is your poster boy ICE T:
    Admitted Gang Banger- Admitted Thug – Admitted Thief – Admitted Bank Robber – Received Article 15 for AWOL – Advocated the MURDERING OF Police Officers. Admitted to announce his vote for John McCain to help Barrack Obama get elected.

    Why is every so hell bent on putting words in mouth. He didn’t say “police state” he didn’t say “protect from the Gestapo” he said THE POLICE? Wow he said constitution – he must be well educated and reaaalllly meant police state… Give me a break!

    @ RWC I’m not sure why you are posting you Mil background – I was also enlisted in the Army and AF (11B / 3POXX) and American. Thank you for your service.

    • RWC says:

      So I probably missed the whole point. I was focused on the 2nd Ammendment. Not Ice-T.

      And, I violated one of my own rules about comment threads.

      I will say, if I was to be judged today on who I was 30 years ago… I’d be fecked. Sometimes people grow up.

      I listed my Mil background for… I don’t know why… I just know that I tend to respect the opinion of those who have served their country (Mil, Law Enforcement, Fire, or any other public service) – of course that is neither iron clad or fool proof – as we see in Timothy McVeigh or John Kerry… but still…

      As to Ice T’s message – at least he got it out there, and defended the 2nd Ammendment… and if that might influence some voter… it’s a good thing.

      @BrettW: Thank you for your service.

  9. C C k says:

    Ice -T was a thug and still is!!
    Ice-T threatened to go into white neighbor hoods and attack and kill as in murder folks and burn their homes down.Just after these threats, he shut the fuck up , because he was handed a TV spot in which has become very wealthy.Assholes that are potential murderers are in my sights! Thanks for the memories…