FirstSpear TV

Sale Me Ok?

I’m pretty sure I’m all for selling it to you for 100million doller. I just need to know what it is…write back!


15 Responses to “Sale Me Ok?”

  1. JM says:

    Haha! Who cares what it is, for 100m he can have it!

  2. Haha I get crap like this too. I like the ones where they want me to sell them 500 of something I reviewed.

    • Haji says:

      I get ’em, too, but its almost always “sale me” rather than “sell me”. That’s how I know they’re legit.

  3. Kevin Dooley says:

    If you’re not willing to part with yours, I’ll certainly sale mine for 100million doller.

  4. bob says:

    seems legit…

  5. Mark says:

    Mine is slightly used. How about 50million dollar?

  6. Rob Clark says:

    He just needs your SS# to complete the transaction… I agree with Bob… Seems legit

  7. Matsucorp says:

    Dearest beloved, the almighty sent me your emails because I knew you would sale me! If I have your bank account number I will wire fund money to your account! LOL

  8. Mike says:

    Given the email address he may be referencing the Hong Kong dollar which is only worth 13 US cents. But hey, 13,000,000 is still a pretty reasonable amount for whatever he wants you to “sale” ROFL.

  9. Random says:

    What if it’s for your severed penis?

  10. jrexilius says:

    hehehe.. Actually Korean. Park, KiHung is what it says (roughly, my korean aint what it used to be). In Korean Won that’d be worth $900 USD. Still buy you a lot of beer and haircuts in Osan..

  11. Lucky says:

    100million doller too boo coo! Too boo coo GI! Me ruv yu wrong time

  12. CapnTroy says:

    Does it come in multicam…?

  13. meanderer says:

    He might be refering to your domain name. but really… what the hell.