SIG MMG 338 Program Series

Education For Death – WWII Propaganda

Time was, people recognized that there were threats to our way of life. They created propaganda to educate and persuade the American people. These days, we are bombarded on a daily basis with propaganda. Lies become truths if they are told enough times. Personally, I pine for simpler times when it was ok to call the enemy evil.

I’ve always wanted to be a propagandist, but I picked the wrong line of work (insert snarky comment here). One day, the enemy will go too far and we’ll see them painted in a light like this.

I’m sure this post will get some of you all worked up. I say, bring it on. The nazis were evil and today, evil still lurks in this world. Some of it has a lot in common with those nazis my grandparents defeated.

Thanks RYP for the find!

6 Responses to “Education For Death – WWII Propaganda”

  1. John Smith says:

    “Some of it has a lot in common with those nazis my grandparents defeated….” Yeah, like the American government today.

  2. Matthew says:

    I am eagerly awaiting DIsney’s next cartoon release against terrorists, micro-managing politicians without a backbone, and of course pro-gun control groups…. holding my breath….

  3. reverend says:

    Considering the Nazis killed Jews, Gypsies, Teachers, Politicians, Artists, and a plethora of other “impure” folk…

    And today, these things STILL go on, you’d think people would recognize evil juuusssttt a bit faster considering we had the “unmasked” sort in the 30’s and 40’s…

    But people go back to “sleep” when it’s not right in their face, or outside their door.

  4. Lawrence says:

    “These days, we are bombarded on a daily basis with propaganda.”

    Yup – from all sides, each one evangelizing their own version of “our way of life”.

    And meanwhile, little Hadji goes to the Madras or sits at the feet of the village elders or spends hours online in the sanctity of his college dorm-room or suburban bedroom and has his mind twisted by “religious” propaganda that educates him to death.

    And yet “we the sheeple” still don’t get it….

  5. Wild Bill USMC(Ret) says:

    I think that I understand the comments by Lawrence. He gets it! The rest of the world will never believe in a democratic republic as we do, especially those folks who mean us the most harm. Nowadays, that group is the Arabs/Islamis/Muslims, but the Russians, Red Chinese, North Koreans, and Iranians are not too far behind. I hope everybody remembers Pres. Washington’s Farewell Address and will pray for peace while being prepared for war. Semper Peratus and SEMPER FIDELIS to all true Americans — sleep with one eye open and keep your powder dry. Oh yeah, my father and uncle fought in numerous battles from North Africa, Sicily, and western Europe against the REAL Nazis, and it was WAR not a cartoon. Therefore, let us pray that we do not have to face the enemy within our borders too soon.