GORE-Tex Professional

Elder Heart

Tom Spooner emailed me over this past weekend to tell me about the new cause called Elder Heart. In his email he shared something that really hit home.

“We honor our Beloved Dead by the Lives we Choose to Live. So Live and Love as hard and as fast as you can, each and every day. Everyday is Memorial day!!

That said so much about the issue at hand. 22 Veterans commit suicide each day. For me, that’s an epidemic that is killing my brothers and sisters. Too many are coming home with invisible wounds and too many are unemployed, losing hope in their futures. Elder Heart was created to help turn the tide for our Veterans.

Elder Heart is creating a mountain top retreat in Morganton, North Carolina where Veterans from all backgrounds can go to find rest, training, employment and ultimately, to heal.

The program is in its infancy but is taking off like a rocket. Most of the legal paperwork has been done and right now they are in the process of waiting on their tax exempt status. That’s a point for some who might not want to donate yet because donations are not guaranteed for the write off. But, this isn’t just about donating some money to a cause. This is about saving our most precious asset, those men and women who have served, from being hopelessly lost.

Follow them on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ElderHeartInc.



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