Here’s a best from the past! Man, why don’t they still make cool toys like the Mattel Tommy Burst?
You can tell its Mattel, it’s swell!
Thanks Paul Bravo for the find!
Tags: Mattel
Here’s a best from the past! Man, why don’t they still make cool toys like the Mattel Tommy Burst?
You can tell its Mattel, it’s swell!
Thanks Paul Bravo for the find!
Tags: Mattel
Thanks SSD. Big attitude change.
Mom always hid the Shootin Shell bullets and would not let us play with them.
I still have my Dad’s “Shootin’ Shell” SAA and 10 complete shells. Is it still possible to have a toy last through 2 generations? Can you imagine the s*** storm that would follow if someone brought a toy like this to the market TODAY?
Attitudes change for sure! I remember packs of candy cigarettes and candy chewing tobacco! Can you imagine those today??!
Had one of those myself!
The new nerf guns these days are pretty tac’d out. Been thinking about setting up an IPSC match for some kids over summer camp.
You’re not kidding — detachable mags, stocks, rail systems/foregrips, and even scopes!
A lot different from the ones I used to play with as a kid in the early 90s!
Anyone else notice that the “Town Drunk” Otis maybe wasn’t so innocent? We see him here packin’ heat and trying to rob people!!