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KAC’s Trey Knight Interviews TAC TV’s Larry Vickers

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9 Responses to “KAC’s Trey Knight Interviews TAC TV’s Larry Vickers”

  1. neophyte says:

    So Larry, you got out of the military, went to college as a mechanical engineer…did you get your degree, how did you end up back in the military and in the premiere special missions unit?

    I ask out of serious curiosity. You have had a very interesting and successful career.

  2. B307 says:

    Soooo…. Working with Bravo company, but doing media with KAC?? Is anyone else here confused? Care to elaborate LAV? 2 plus 2 isn’t equalling 4 here.

  3. Dan Capek says:

    Seems like the majority of folks in the world of firearms could be best termed as gentlemen. You can partner up with a various groups and companies for special projects and not become a douche bag.

    What I like about him is when he does speak out regarding something he’s not a fan of he simply puts his opinion on why he likes to run something different or run a different way. Then he suggests you try all options; instead of employing the fanboy snarky hissy fit style of communication that’s all the rage now.

    He seems like a guy who when he plays cards he never shows his whole hand but the in, and out and back in is a pretty typical military career these days.

  4. I did a battle rifle class down near KAC last November 2012 and since I have known the KAC crew for years, and I am a strong supporter of their world class small arms ( and now AFV museum) , I stopped by to say hi and visit. While I was there Trey asked me if we could do an interview on how I got into the firearms industry – and here it is. Part two coming soon.

    • B307 says:

      Thanks for responding and clearing up my confusion, any chance of a Vickers signature KAC rifle for SHOT 2014??….:)

  5. I did a battle rifle class down near KAC last November 2012 and since I have known the KAC crew for years, and I am a strong supporter of their world class small arms ( and now AFV) museum , I stopped by to say hi and visit. While I was there Trey asked me if we could do an interview on how I got into the firearms industry – and here it is. Part two coming soon.

  6. Axe1477 says:

    Larry – honest question. It says right in your bio and on your web site that you were an operator in Delta. You mentioned it in the most recent Military Channel program about The Unit and talked about Mogadishu and Acid Gambit in a few programs. Yet when I see you on Tac TV and in these short interviews it seems like you avoid mentioning it ro gloss over it. Is this intentional to avoid follow on questions you can’t answer or just true humility at work? THANKS!

    • John says:

      I could guess that Larry mentions Delta when it is relevant for the topic. Like when he demoed the BFG sling in nomex for the M240. He talked about a Delta mission decades ago when his sling melted to the barrel of his Mag58.

  7. John – spot on comment . I only mention my time in Delta when it is relevant and when it is not I don’t. I grow tired of SOF types that remind you every 5 minutes of their background

    TacTV is more of a serious gun guy firearms TV show so I focus my delivery in that direction – my time in SOF helped enhance my firearms knowledge to be sure but it did not define it

    No chance of a KAC LAV gun anytime soon – a BCM one might be in the works down the road however …

    Also answer an earlier question I overlooked I got an associates degree in mechanical engineering and after thinking about it long and hard I decided to go back in the military to try for bigger and better things instead of going for a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering

    In addition I have friends in different companies all over the industry as you would expect based on being in the business for a long time and being on TV for years

    Thanx for the great questions and be safe