FirstSpear TV

TALOS – What Is Happening?

Somewhere between May, when USSOCOM dropped the “special notice” announcing the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit or TALOS, the main stream media picked up on it and started calling it an Iron Man suit. The US Army’s RDECOM even produced this slick little video that literally fuels the fire.

NPR published a short, feel good after speaking with SOCOM’s Acquisition Executive Jim Guerts. It’s worth a read if you are interested in Soldier Tech.

I still question the timing of this effort. Why wasn’t it accomplished during the height of spending? The command and industry alike could have more easily absorbed R&D efforts. Now? Money’s tight and the Recession has finally hit the defense industry. I see them accepting less risk.

Having watched this same story played unsuccessfully, over and over again like a broken record and having seen a list of the companies that SOCOM currently has brought in for this week’s briefings, I’ll say that you’ll see movie sequels 4, 5 and 6 before you run across a real DoD Iron Man suit.

I’m skeptical, to be sure.

26 Responses to “TALOS – What Is Happening?”

  1. jack says:

    Feels like OFW all over again!
    Anyway, what I make of that video is that ADS won the camo contract… 😉

  2. Chuck says:

    Very emotional video those guys have a strong bond. God speed

  3. Well I can tell you this. I would not want to wear that big bulky piece of crap just so I could have bullets bounce off of me. That thing looks like a bullet magnet and further more, cumbersome. Nope, I don’t like it! Some times being light and nimble means staying alive. Let us not forget, being able to see and and actually hear natural sound. Sometimes less is more. Oh, and what a waste of tax dollars and time making a stupid video, its about as well animated as that stupid online sere coarse the army did. There is another waste of time and money. Wish we could get 7.62 nutsacks for our MK48s. Instead we get a video. Lol. Good job army. Stay classy SSD, you are doing good things; the army should hire you and maybe things could actually get done.

  4. Sal Palma says:

    Ahhhhh but wait till they add the laser penis…

  5. dan says:

    I may suggest some slightly different styling to the suit and maybe we should make it white you know something like this…

    but in all seriousness if the lighter ballistic armor or improved hud that they want actually comes out of this even if it never makes it into an iron man suit it will improve our soldiers ability on the battle field.

  6. Dan says:

    I was suprised the door was wide enough for that bicep armor. Most of the technology is here in it’s infancy, but the R&D required to miniaturize the tech will kill it. Besides, how is anyone supposed to swim in all that when something goes wrong?

  7. ocd+dpms says:

    Yeah I’ve never been in the military but I was sort of under the impression that no plan should ever include “and then I let them shoot me with automatic weapons” as one of the stages.

    • Bill says:

      Drawing fire is one thing, standing and getting literally shot is another.

      • ocd+dpms says:

        What does running unarmed into a building full of enemy troops indicate? I’m not an expert but my guess is “severe untreated depression”.

  8. BradKAF308 says:

    That crappy video was in HD? New passive army don’t kill those trying to kill you? Lastly, was that MarPat?

  9. Jayson says:

    Solar Stik is supporting with a hybrid kinetic power solution but I have indicated we would not be involved in the development of the laser penis

  10. BradKAF308 says:

    That was Psyops it’s propaganda. Look what the mighty US has. Baddies have more to fear from a squirrel with a 9mm then a youtube video. Is someone trying to justify their job?

  11. Steve says:

    The Ghey is strong in this one.

  12. straps says:

    That video is why that program will fail.

    Marketing and branding matters, whether you’re selling systems or strategies, and it fails on all counts.

    I’m thinking this was the work of a teenaged summer intern (maybe the next Caleb Crye, maybe not) working for someone who knows this program will go nowhere slowly.

    It’s sad when well-paid adults pretend to do worthwhile work with taxpayer dollars.

  13. pedro says:

    so you are going to get hit a couple of times and not get knocked over???

    are the devellopers going to put on the suit and see how it stands up to a full AK magazine?

  14. redred1 says:

    looks like the army went full retard. if they want to develop a powered exoskeleton, they should look at: (although that one uses alien technology)

  15. How about we focus this money on training versus more light weight equipment that weights 100lbs. Just saying.

    Have a good one,

  16. Mike says:

    If you need a RPG magnet, this is it.

  17. thatguy says:

    Laser Penis? Well worth it.

  18. Stefan S. says:

    Like the DoD and SOCOM will have any money left after Obozo id done!

  19. Freeman says:

    Hopefully we get working camo first! So silly that they are working on this when so much of our gear is out of date.