SIG MMG 338 Program Series

MissionX 6th Annual Warrior Competition


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The 6th Annual Warrior Competition is to be held in Amman, Jordan at the King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center (KASOTC) – a 25 square kilometer site which consists of over $200 million in cutting-edge training facilities, simulated battlefield effects, on-site lodging, dining, and a number of other support facilities. MissionX has been tasked with planning and executing the competitive events component of the event.

The goal of the Annual Warrior Competition is to build esprit de corps and strengthen coalitions among international SOF & Police forces partnered against terrorism. It facilitates sharing of best-practices, technology, and hardware, as well as providing a measurement for unit performance, and expose strengths and weaknesses in unit and individual skill sets.

The event is being held April 30 – May 5, 2014.


3 Responses to “MissionX 6th Annual Warrior Competition”

  1. Axe1477 says:

    Do Tier 1 units compete in this? What an awesome reality show this would make…I know that’ll never happen, but I can dream.

  2. Brackett says:

    I’ve actually been on the KASOTC compound, and in the gift shop they have plaques ranking the winners of previous competitions. The Army’s Tier 1 unit was listed on there.

  3. Agentofwrath says:

    Hale? It should be hail. Somebody needs to check their copy. This is a recurring theme that I see in newspapers, magazines etc. Don’t folks proof read or spell check anymoreI’m no English major, but it detracts from the professionalism of the piece..