
PM SCIE Briefing to Joint Advanced Planning Brief for Industry

In May, 2014 COL Robert Mortlock, Program Manager for Soldier Clothing and Individual Equipment at PEO Soldier, gave this presentation to an industry gathering. It gives you a great insight into improvements to the Soldier’s equipment that his team is working on. It’s not all camouflage. That’s really just the wrapper that these new capabilities will be covered in. Extensive work is being done to improve helmets, armor and load carriage. Additionally, you’ll note development on the FR side as well as environmental gear for jungle and arctic conditions. There are a few surprises too, such as the new Food Service Uniform. Definitely worth a read.


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3 Responses to “PM SCIE Briefing to Joint Advanced Planning Brief for Industry”

  1. Aaron says:

    Integrated packs and armor…why not a joint project with the Marine Corps since they’re attempting the same.

    • SSD says:

      The Army’s SPS is a little more involved but the two services are watching one another’s programs.

  2. ninjaben says:

    What blows my mind is the dates for the past programs. 2013 is the date for the Plate Carrier? Why wasn’t this 2005-6, when plate carriers became the norm for people who value mobility. Also the new plate carrier still has more bulk and weight, than early generations of plate carriers.

    While I understand the need to be berry compliant, why can’t we just steal the conceptual ideas of a mountain boot from like asolo and then just make it in America in Brown. The original issue mountain boot is a brick.

    I am also concerned that fielding initiatives are moving toward supporting dismounted jungle environments, but the push is for FR fabrics, which are extremely uncomfortable in humid environments and during movement.

    How has innovations from SOF or AWG not effected the equipment we are fielding. (The 7 layer system was great, but pretty much a copy of the the SOF PCUs) There have been some good RFI pushes. I saw infantry units with Leupold 1-6s (no 2032s though), I have seen IED kits with LRTVs, and mini thermals. I just hate seeing foreign conventional forces with better soldier individual equipment than we are currently developing for our force.