GORE-Tex Professional

Improved APFU Delayed at Ft Bragg MCSS


Delivery of the new black version of the Army Physical Fitness Uniform has been delayed at Fort Bragg’s Military Clothing Sales Store. Word is, they’ll make it later this week. Have they shown up yet at your post?



16 Responses to “Improved APFU Delayed at Ft Bragg MCSS”

  1. Jon, OPT says:

    Annnddd… Zero f#cks were given. The only time I’ve seen service members in lines for release of a new uniform item was the first Marpat sold in Okinawa. Possibly the OCP uniform next year will be same.

    Jon, OPT

  2. RJ says:

    OCP will be gone the same day it is put in the store, I believe. Mass public burnings of UCP will commence shortly thereafter. I mean, we can’t throw it in the trash for some stinky to get ahold of it.

    • Eddie says:

      Wish they would’ve burned uniforms better in Afghanistan considering how many Taliban I have seen with sets. :c (from what soldiers have told me) A lot of guys threw theirs away rather than burning them or left them behind by mistake. Of course UCP is so easy to get, and relatively cheap too, burning is the way to go I am afraid, gotta save the glint tape doe.

      • straps says:

        Terry gets the majority of his uniforms and individual equipment from the ISUs and CONEXes he ratf*cks while driving them through Pakistan.

        Every trip through Afghanistan, there was a different list of stuff Terry was gonna kill your replacements with if you shipped them in the ISUs…

      • Luke says:

        Our whole battalion had it’s contex’s ripped off in Afgthanistan or Pakistan prior to making it to the slow boat. When it arrived in Ft. McCoy, WI for redeployment, they were all filled with rocks and gravel. Uniforms, medical gear, you name it, everthing but the senistive items were stolen. Biggest FLIPL in Army history i bet. Now I wouldnt be surprised to see tailban runnig around in ACU’s and adminstering IV bags to each other after TICs

  3. D says:

    Meanwhile, half the guys at Bragg still don’t know there’s a new PT uniform.

  4. Daniel says:

    I am kind of tempted to pick up a pair for my next APFT in NOV. Just to see my 1SG’s head explode… #joyofbeingandstaffofficerinaHHC

  5. AbnMedOps says:

    Hope this turns into a very long delay. “Hey, lets put all the troops in black uniforms, and have them running around and trying to cross the street in the dark!”

    • Jeremy says:

      If you can’t cross a street without being hit, the Army is better off without you. Situational awareness is way more important than the color of your shirt.

      • AbnMedOps says:

        You might be right about the “better off” part, but the paperwork is horrendous!